Chapter Twenty-Six

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War: It Isn't Some Game

Drejuhl had extended an arm when speaking the words, his palm facing up as he clearly awaited the surrender of the blaster. There were pros and cons to obeying. The pros did include less items to juggle with, which also translated into your being able to focus more on manipulating the artificial gravity aboard the Supremacy . A major con lay obviously with your defenseless against foes who might try to harm you. Drejuhl's presence would serve to eliminate at least a handful of those enemies. It was not a guarantee that he would succeed. Nor, you reasoned, was it guaranteed that you would accurately target anyone who might try to kill you for your actions. There was a smaller weapon hidden within Squeakers, the one that you had informed Drejuhl of. A pro to surrendering this blaster would be that you could more easily get to the other weapon.

You relinquished your blaster to him. Rather than discarding it, Drejuhl tucked it away on his person while commenting that, if it did come down to it, he was not opposed to handing it to you. Given that you were clearly not accustomed to holding a weapon, and your overly enthusiastic attitude, the Knight of Ren hoped to prevent unwanted attention. That you fully understood, and you felt even better about your decision to hand him the blaster without argument.

Squeakers followed both you and Drejuhl towards the ship that the Knight would pilot. Neither of you had spoken a word since he had revealed his standpoint on the blaster. Your mind was far too busy racing through probabilities for you to speak. You figured that it was the same for Drejuhl. Squeakers, on the other hand, happily chirped and squeaked. He was rather optimistic. When he beeped out a sequence that your mind translated into I will be your eyes as commanded you realized that Drejuhl had given your droid some orders without you knowing. You questioned the Knight only once all three of you were inside the ship.

"We need to know what we're walking into. Infiltration can mean numerous things. I will not bring you onto the Supremacy until I know more." As much as you wanted to argue, the plan did make plenty of sense. You chewed on your bottom lip. Thought of your droid rolling along through the hallways and corridors of the flagship. Possibly tripping people. You grinned at that, allowing the mental image to ease some of the worries that remained. "Have the device at the ready."

"Always," you chirped pleasantly, your fingers flicking across the display until the technical readout that General Hux had given you access to.

Three unfamiliar, and smaller, ships were off in the distance. You tore your attention away from the device in your hands to inspect them instead. Resistance? Not a one of them reminded you of any of the ships that had abandoned the Resistance base following Starkiller's destruction. Which meant that they were allies, or possibly how Luke Skywalker planned to come to the Supremacy . Because he wanted to see him, Supreme Leader Snoke would instruct all ships to not attack the vessel on which the Jedi remained.

In your opinion?

That was idiotic. It would be easier to simply blow up the ship and take out all enemies with it. Why chance a face-to-face meeting?

Also in your opinion?

It was important for this to occur so that Kylo's plans continued along smoothly. You shifted lower in your seat, bringing the device nearer to your face. Squeakers would be sent off to the Supremacy . You split the screen into two different displays. One allowed you to control the gravity on the flagship, the other currently empty but soon to be filled with whatever your droid transmitted back to you. Drejuhl toyed with the controls on his ship, prompting you to glance over his shoulder. He thumbed the comm device, opening up a channel with another of the Knights. This specific individual was in the docking bay of the Supremacy . He was, by Kylo Ren's orders, waiting for the arrival of Skywalker and the former Jakku scavenger.

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