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Hey hey! Long time no see eh?

So as I'm sure most of you have heard shit is going down here on Wattpad. With the buyout a lot of the more... how do you say... spicy content... will be getting the chop which means at some point The Alternative will be kicked to the curb.

I'm so grateful and honestly blown away by the response this fic has received so I've decided in light of these changes I'll be migrating the story over to AO3 you can find me under the same username TheMariahOnline, the story will be up there in the next few weeks as I've also decided to revise it while I have the opportunity. There are a bunch of scenes and things I thought of after the fact and now's as good a time as any to add them.

So while the story won't be brand new there will be a lot of extras thrown in, think of this as the extended version lol.

This change won't just be for The Alternative either. I have been working on a few other stories involving some of my favourite fictional redheads as well as some others of the non ginger variety. But considering I have a penchant for writing porn I have a feeling my work won't be accepted on Wattpad going forward. 

To sum it up if you're interested in seeing the edits of this fic or want to read what comes from my twisted brain next make sure to hop over to AO3 and check me out there, I'll put the link in my bio on my profile. I will leave this version up here as long as the Wattpad gods allow.

Again thank you all so much for the love and support it literally means the world for me. Happy reading!

The Alternative (Hux x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now