The Resistance

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Warnings - Smut, Violence. Strap in this chapter is a long one.


You could hear someone saying your name faintly but you really didn't want to open your eyes. You were warm and comfortable, the idea of moving made you want to cry.

"Y/N I know you can hear me, you stopped snoring several minutes ago." Hux's voice was closer now you could feel him leaning over you talking directly into your ear.

You responded by pulling your blanket up over your head trying to sink further into the mattress. Hux grabbed the blanket ripping it off you in one quick swoop. You groaned loudly in protest unhappy with the cold air meeting your skin.

"Come on we have to go now we are about to enter orbit I need to be on the bridge." He grabbed your ankles pulling you sideways then he let go your feet hitting the floor with a thud. You sighed rolling to your back for a moment, you let out a grunt as you sat up. Your entire body was sore more than when you woke up yesterday.

Hux set some clothes down next to you before walking back towards the kitchen silently. You grabbed them pulling them on quickly to stave off the cold. You noticed they were women's clothes again but not the same as yesterday. They were still similar to the clothes Hux wore a high neck black shirt with long sleeves, the pants were tighter than yesterdays made of leather.

Hux came back in once you were dressed and handed you a cup of warm tea and some sort of pastry. "You'll have to eat and walk I'm already late."

You nodded following after him trying to keep up with his fast pace. By the time you arrived at the command deck you had drank most of your tea and eaten the deliciously fruity breakfast he'd given you. But once the doors slid open you almost threw it up onto the floor.

The ship had just left hyperspace and you couldn't believe what you were looking at. "D'Qar."

You realized you must have said it out loud because Hux gave you a warning look. You sat in an empty chair and stared out the massive windows chewing on your lip anxiously. You could see ships leaving the planet and fleeing into hyperspace.

You noticed that Hux kept looking at you but you couldn't meet his eyes. He was talking about Snoke and ordering the destruction of the Resistance fleet. It all just sounded like white noise.

Then someone mentioned a fighter approaching. Alone. Who the hell is brave enough to pull a stunt like that? You stood quickly not caring that you were making a scene. There was only one idiot brave enough to do something like this.

You ran over to the window staring out at the X-Wing. Then you heard it, "Attention. This is Poe Dameron of the Galactic Fleet. I have an urgent communique for General Hugs." You fell to your knees tears rolling down your face. He's alive! Poe is alive.

Hux shot you a look again but you didn't care. "Patch him through." This seemed to only fuel his annoyance making direct his next words at you more so the pilot on the coms. "This is General Hux of the First Order. The Republic is no more. Your fleet are Rebel scum and war criminals."

He turned away from you looking away from the window a smug look on his face. "Tell your precious princess there will be no terms, there will be no surrender."

"Hi, I'm holding for General Hugs." Poe's voice came through again making you cry harder but also breaking into a smile. He was fucking stalling, that sly bastard. Your heart swelled with affection and pride at the realization.

"This is Hux. You and your friends are doomed." Hux still had a smug look on his face clearly unaware as to Poe's plan. You wondered if you should say something to save him the embarrassment but you didn't want to get Poe killed. "We will wipe your filth from the galaxy."

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