The Trooper

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Hux always knew when Ren had returned from a mission, he always arrived with a commotion. Hux exited his office to see troopers hauling what looked to be a bloodied Resistance pilot down the hall toward the prisoners cells. Ren stomping along closely behind them the whole way. Hux followed after them questioning Kylo as they went.

"You brought back a prisoner? Am I safe to assume you didn't get what I sent you for?" Hux chirped at Kylo's back.

This caused the man to stop suddenly. Hux had to pivot slightly to avoid smacking straight into him. "I will get the location of the map don't you worry Hux." Kylo said his robotic voice dripping in disdain.

The troopers had fastened the pilot into the restraints his head drooped backwards and he looked to be in pain. The two men turned to leave "Get the location of the map from him, quickly." Hux paused to say to a trooper standing near him before leaving.

The stormtrooper nodded then turned to his colleague before the pair disappeared into the cell.

After an entire day of interrogation by stormtroopers proved unsuccessful Hux found himself stand outside of the prisoners cell with Kylo. He could feel that Ren was irritated but he didn't care. He just continued to stare at the cell door before saying "Well, you know what to do."

Ren stalked into the room the doors closing behind him. Hux waited patiently outside, the hallway filled with silence.

He knew if anyone could get the information it would be Ren and that thought was eating him alive. Damn force users, he meticulously trained all his stormtroopers in combat and interrogation as well as many other skills. But Rens ability to use the force always gave him an advantage.

Hux turned towards the cell doors as he heard a muffled scream. Seconds later Ren emerged, "It's in a droid, a BB unit." He said as he glided past Hux.

Hux slowly turned his gaze following Kylo as he looked directly into the slit where his eyes should be. "Well then if it's on Jakku we'll soon have it."

Ren turned his masked face to look at Hux "I leave that to you." He said simply before stomping off down the corridor.

Hux took a moment to sigh before following Ren down the hall turning towards his office to begin the arrangements for another trip back to Jakku.

Several hours later a trooper arrives at Hux's door. The knocking is incessant, irritated Hux got up and opened the door to his quarters. "What?" he barked at the soldier in front of him.

"Sorry sir, but there's a situation." The stormtrooper says.

Hux pushed past him with a loud sigh practically sprinting towards the bridge. When he stalked through the doors he immediately felt the panic in the control room.

"What's going on?" Hux snapped at the closest crew member.

"They've taken a TIE fighter sir." the man responded nervously.

Hux started barking orders at people to fire on the ship as he paced around the room. The ship shuddered slightly indicating some kind of impact.

A man at one panel nervously glanced up at Hux and said "Sir they've taken out our turbolasers."

"Use the ventral cannons." Hux replied as he continued to pace. Practically wearing a hole in the shiny floors of the command deck. "Yes sir bringing them online." Another man responded with a tense expression.

Just then the doors to the command deck slid open. Perfect Hux thought as he sees Ren stomp into the room.

"General Hux, is it the Resistance pilot?" Ren said stalking towards him clearly pissed off already. His posture was stiff and menacing.

"Yes and he had help..." Hux replied hesitantly he knew the Commander was going to be even more pissed upon hearing this and Kylo's rage was often followed by death and/or destruction. Usually and. "One of our own."

Kylo turned and walked away from Hux, so the General took the opportunity to turn himself to look out the large windows as he continued "We are checking the registers to identify which stormtrooper it was."

"The one from the village. FN-2187" Kylo said quietly. The redhead looked at him in surprise a single strawberry brow shooting up inquiringly. Then one of the crew spoke pulling his attention "Sir, ventral cannons hot."

Hux stepped towards the man "Fire." he said forcefully. A tense expression plastered on the Generals face as he glanced through the large windows.

Phasma arrived on deck at that moment. "Tell me about the trooper." Hux demanded the second she was stood near him all the while refusing to look at her. This betrayal irked him, he knew it would give Ren ammunition to take to Supreme Leader Snoke. Kylo was constantly advocating for a clone army.

"FN-2187 reported to my division was evaluated and sent to reconditioning." She said simply no emotion in her robotic voice.

"No prior signs of nonconformity?" Hux said still making no move to turn toward her or even glance in her direction, only continuing through the giant windows out into space.

"This was his first offense." The vein in Hux's jaw jumped again as he ground his teeth. Damnit!

They continued to fire several shots at the TIE fighter while the General resisted the urge to punch a hole through the wall. Finally one shot connected with the ship making the redhead almost jump for joy.

"General" came a women's voice beside him, Hux quickly turned to look at her an expectant expression dancing across his features. "They've been hit."

"Destroyed?" He asked impatiently. "Disabled" she replied. "They've headed back to Jakku. The fighter is projected to crash in he Goazon badlands."

"They're going back for the droid." Hux said turning to another member of the crew "Send a squad to the wreckage."

With that order he stalked out of the bridge and towards his office grinding his teeth in frustration the whole way.

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