The Supreme Leader

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Warning - Smut


The walk to the hologram room was silent. Too silent for your liking, it left far too much room for your thoughts to run wild in your head and whenever that happened it was usually a lot of worse case scenarios. You'd heard stories of the ruthlessness of the First Order and you knew those orders came from the dark mind of Supreme Leader Snoke.

You were so lost in trying to calculate the probability of your death you didn't notice Hux had stopped walking. You walked right into him but he barely moved at the impact. He glanced back at you over his shoulder there was a look on his face you hadn't seen before. Fear, plain as day which didn't help your nervousness at all.

"Remember the rules and everything will be fine." Hux's eyes were pleading with you. You knew this was serious, one wrong move and the Supreme Leader would slice you in half or something worse.

You nodded your head taking a deep breath trying to clear your mind of anything that could potentially get you killed. Hux faced forward again doing the same and plastering his normal neutral expression onto his face.

The doors slid open and you both crossed the threshold, there was a long catwalk lit with red lights. The room was dark then suddenly a flicker and the Supreme Leader was projected on an enormous scale in front of you.

Hux walked assuredly down the catwalk stopping mere feet in front of the hologram, you followed closely on his heels.

"Is this the girl?" Snokes voice echoed in the room, you could feel the power resonating from him despite him not physically being in the room. "Yes." Hux stated simply as he grabbed your arm and pulled you lightly to stand beside him.

"Hmm." Snoke mused as he stared directly at you. "There is no need for your fear child. I see my apprentice has been foolish. Ren can be too quick to judgement at times."

The Supreme Leader shifted in his chair nodding his head as he spoke, he looked pleased which surprised you. "You are strong with the force. Your power is growing already I can feel it clearly."

"You have done well General Hux." Snoke shifted his gaze slightly, you had to admit it was nice not having his full focus on you even if it was just for a moment. "I believe she will be of great use to the First Order Supreme Leader." Hux responded calmly.

Snoke turned back to you and you felt pressure in your head similar to what you had felt with Kylo but far less painful. "Yes, yes. She is highly skilled in many ways. The Resistance taught her well." The Supreme Leader leaned forward bringing his face down to your level. "You are going to be a wonderful addition to the First Order."

Your mouth went dry and you could feel sweat beading down your back. All you could do was nod curtly at the looming figure in front of you. Snoke seemed to take this as a sign of agreement and settled back against his chair.

"Hux I entrust her to you, I want you to continue training her. I will speak with Ren about helping her in the ways of the force but I value your skill in all other areas." Hux nodded firmly. "Of course Supreme Leader, I will help her hone her skills."

With that the hologram flickered and vanished. You let out the breath you didn't realize you'd been holding as your shoulders slumped forward. Hux turned to face you his expression unreadable.

"You will stay in my quarters from now on, you will not be permitted to leave unless it's for training. In that case you will be collected by someone and escorted to the training room where I will meet you." You hated the idea of being a prisoner of the First Order but you knew in order to survive you needed to comply. You nodded silently looking down at your feet. You chewed your lip as you thought about the shitty situation you'd gotten yourself into.

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