The Broken Promise

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Warning - Violence

Everyone on the ship had seen the explosion coming. The Resistance cruiser had turned and jumped to light speed blasting the ship in two. It was a desperate attempt to save the remaining fleet, but it worked enough to allow them to land on the planet's surface. Hux had luckily been in a section of the ship that wasn't completely destroyed when the cruiser hit. The doors automatically sealed the remaining halves of the ship protecting the survivors.

The first thing on his mind when he roused from the post impact chaos and confusion was the girl. He ran, not caring how it looked, towards the hangar at full speed. Dodging fleeing troopers and debris as he went. The closer he got to the bay the more destruction he encountered. This riled him into a frenzy, he was sprinting at top speed shoving people aside, not bothering to respond when others called out.

He arrived at the hangar doors and smashed his hand against the control panel causing a sharp pain to shoot up his wrist. But it soon went numb as the doors slid open and he saw the scene in front of him.

Everything was on fire. The ceiling of the bay was coming down in massive chunks. His eyes scanned the massive room for any sign of life, there were huge holes in the ground and bodies strewn all over.

He fell to his knees with a thud doubling over as his raging emotion caused physical pain in his chest. "She's gone." He kept repeating the words out loud, not quite registering them.

A few troopers approached standing behind him in shock at the tortured look in his face. They had never seen their General look this way. Like he was heartbroken.

One of them spoke up hesitantly, she had managed to escape the ruins of the hangar and had seen what happened with his apprentice. "Sir, you should know your apprentice escaped with the Rebel prisoners."

Hux didn't hear her, still staring ahead it felt like he was underwater. His red hair was disheveled a few strands hanging down over his eyes. The trooper nervously placed her hand on his shoulder which got the General to look up at her.

"Sir, she's alive." The words snapped the redhead from his melancholy, he sprung to his feet as his expression flickered through a dozen emotions resting on worry.

"Where?" Hux looked past her as if his apprentice was going to materialize and come to him as she always had.

"I'm sorry sir, she's no longer on the ship." The Generals expression changed in an instant rage bloomed in his eyes slowly painting the rest of his features.

"What?" His gaze trained on the trooper causing her to step back in fear, the General wasn't exactly the warm and fuzzy type on a good day but this level of anger was new.

"S-she escaped with the Rebel prisoners sir, during the execution she attacked a trooper. Then the whole ship exploded and next thing I saw she was jumping into a transport with them." The troopers voice was shaky in the past Hux had been known for his harsh punishments but they were always at least reasonable.

Right now his demeanour resembled Kylo Ren pre-meltdown which was somehow even scarier than if it had have been Kylo Ren himself she was witnessing.

"Go! Get out of my sight! Don't you have something you should be doing?" The General exploded screaming at them as he turned sharply back towards the hangar. The troopers quickly scurried off fearing the consequences should they linger.

Hux walked into the crumbling bay staring out the gaping hole in the side of the ship towards the planet below. "You promised Y/N" he mumbled as his shoulders slumped forward the energy draining from his body.

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