The Med Bay

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Warning - Violence, Blood.


Hux quickly exited the hologram room cursing under his breath. Not only had the Resistance somehow gotten the upper hand he now had to track down Kylo Ren who caused this whole fuss in the first place. He could feel the base rumbling around him so he quickened his pace almost jogging through the halls.

He also couldn't stop worrying about you, where the hell had you disappeared to? As he rounded the corner into the hangar bay he was greeted with a sight that made his stomach drop to his feet.

You were clearly unconscious being carried into a transport by a squad of troopers. Hux ran like his life depended on it storming up the ramp to follow them inside. He practically tore you from the troopers arms. His eyes trailed over your body surveying the damage. There was so much blood, on your face, your arms and definitely your back had suffered major blows. He could feel the blood seeping into the sleeves of his jacket.

"What happened?!" He screamed at the troopers but then noticed they weren't the ones he had left you with. "We found her outside of the main building she must've been on her way out when the explosions started." One of them said stepping forward.

Hux nodded before telling the pilot they needed to find Kylo and get out of here. He sat down at the back of the craft away from the others. Cradling you gently in his arms he spoke his voice almost a whisper "Y/N can you hear me?" He could see your eyes moving behind your lids so he knew you were still alive. But despite his intense staring they weren't opening.

After a few minutes the pilot yelled something about Ren and Hux felt the craft land. He hardly looked up as a few troopers exited down the ramp to retrieve Kylo. He did however spare a glance when he heard groaning. Kylo Ren was bleeding all over as he was dragged onto the cruiser by the troopers.

Great. Can't we just leave him here to die? But he knew that Snoke would be furious if he found out, which he also knew he would. The pilot didn't need to be told to get away from the crumbling base as quickly as possible. Hux tightened his grip on you hoping that they would make it to the Fulminatrix on time.


The first thing you noticed when you woke up was pain. Literally everything hurt, even breathing. You opened your eyes slowly blinking at the bright fluorescent lights above your head. What the hell happened? Oh right I was attempting to flee and somehow almost got blown the fuck up. Excellent. You looked around noticing you were in a med bay but the question was where?

A nurse came in and adjusted a series of knobs, buttons and other crap you assumed was all connected to you. She turned and froze when she noticed you were watching her. A look of shock on her face. She didn't say anything just ran from the room at top speed. The fuck?

A few seconds later a group of people swarmed into the room and you were being poked, prodded and examined. No one was talking to you just to each other and you were incredibly confused. One doctor was shining a light in your eyes, fed up you swatted it out of her hands blinking hard. "What the hell is going on?" You said frustration clear in your voice. "Where am I?"

The doctor relaxed a little smiling at you. "Sorry miss, it's just you've been asleep for 48 hours we weren't sure if you were going to make it." 48 hours? Shit! "What happened to Starkiller? How did I get here? What happened to me?" The questions came flying out of your mouth a mile a minute leaving the doctors looking overwhelmed. But the next question that came to your mind made you pause before you said it. "Where's General Hux?"

"Right here." Came the voice from behind the crowd. You stiffened, goosebumps forming on your bare arms and legs. You had no idea how he was going to react. Was he pissed? Did he know I was trying to run? The group of people parted allowing him to walk slowly to the foot of your hospital bed. He stopped placing his hands on the footboard staring at you intently. His expression was unreadable as per usual and you were too tired to try and gauge his feelings with the force. "Leave us." He barked, a few doctors muttered about needing to do more tests but when he didn't meet their eyes they sheepishly fled the room.

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