The Shower

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Warning - Torture, Starvation, Isolation.


It had been over 72 hours since you'd seen another person. You knew there were guards standing outside your cell doors as per usual but no one ever came in. You had been released from the restraints on the first day and given a bucket which a trooper informed you rather crassly was left in here in place of bathroom privileges. Then he stormed out leaving you all alone.

After 40ish hours passed you started screaming, begging and crying for someone to bring you food. You beat your fist on the doors, kicked the walls, trying to get someone's attention. Eventually you just got too hungry to expend the energy. You knew they could hear you, you could feel their irritation when you reached out with the force.

Although around the middle of day three you stopped feeling the guards emotions, you figure you were too weak. You were laying on your side on the cold metal floor now. The nausea was overwhelming and anytime you tried to get up the room would spin and your vision would blur.

You assumed you looked awful and frankly pathetic. A messy heap on the floor, tangled hair, dirty ripped clothes, tear streaked face. You closed your eyes and your mind began to drift. You saw flashes of red hair and leather clad hands.

Your eyes flew open and you shakily exhaled pressing your forehead to the cold floor. Lately anytime you closed your eyes those pictures played like a movie on your eyelids. Hux's thoughts. But you also saw his face, the look of fear and need in his eyes when he had yanked you from his mind.

You flung your arm out with a groan rolling onto your back. You blinked up at the awful fluorescent lights. Why can't I get him out of my brain? Your head lazily flopped to the side your eyes stinging from the brightness of the lights. You caught a faint whiff of b.o. and brought your arms down to your sides.

You would kill for a shower. Maybe if you scrubbed hard enough you could clean Hux's touch from your memory. You were so lost in thought you didn't even hear the doors open.

"Having a nice stay scum?" His voice made all the hairs on your body stand at attention but it also cause your knees to quiver ever so slightly. Although you were too busy trying to convince yourself that it was malnutrition that was making you shake.

"Have you lost the ability to speak over the past few days?" Hux strode towards you his long legs closing the distance rather quickly and then you were making eye contact. He loomed over you, you knew he was tall but from the floor he looked even taller.

You propped yourself up on your elbows hoping that the look you were giving him was coming across as tough and intimidating as you intended it to. "Not that I mind, you're much more tolerable when you're quiet." He smirked at you the left corner of his thin pink lips rising slightly higher than the right. Hot. You shook your head probably looking absolutely insane.

No! No! No Y/N! Get your shit together. "Sorry to disappoint pervert, I'm not mute." You pushed yourself up onto your hands exhaling slightly with the effort. Your head to the right side cheek rest against your shoulder. Too tired for your neck to support it's weight.

Hux crouched down to your level meeting your eyes. "A shame really." He reached out a leather gloved had pushing your hair back out of your face. His other forearm casually resting on top of his thigh. The gesture made your heart pound in your chest and your stomach flutter.

There was a long stretch of silence while you just stared at each other. You felt like his eyes were burning holes through you, slowly he looked away his eyes travelling down your body.

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