The Base

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Your eyes fluttered open lazily as you rolled from your side to your back. You laid still for a moment blinking at the ceiling. Then realization set in and your memory caught up sending your body flying into an upright position.

Oh shit! Shit! Shit! What the fuck did I do last night? How did I get so carried away?! You aggressively ran your hand through your hair rubbing the back of your head roughly.

There was no denying you were attracted to Hux, You weren't blind, the man was hot. Tall, rugged with a sharp jaw and amazing eyes. Not to mention the whole stern General was seriously sexy. But do I have no fucking self control? Does my vagina fully dictate my life now?!

The thing is, you were taking stock of all your emotions and it seems there was no regret to be found. You were confused as hell sure but you knew if the opportunity arose you'd definitely do it again. Oh shit. You really wanted to do it again. Shit.

Was screwing a First Order General betraying the Resistance? You spent a long time mulling it over. Yeah it totally is. You huffed loudly flopping back onto the bed. You grabbed the pillow next to you and slammed it down over your face muffling a frustrated scream. You caught a whiff of something that made you freeze. Hux. You smelt the same thing last night while you were kissing him it was metallic with hints of wood and tobacco. You inhaled deeply picturing the look on his face last night as he coaxed you to your peak.

Hux chose this exact moment to walk into the bedroom. You heard the doors slide open and panicking chucked the pillow away from you. Wow Y/N subtle. Smooth. The epitome of keeping your composure.

He crossed the room towards you bending down to pick up the pillow as he went. "If you were aiming for me I fear I may have been overestimating your skills." He looked directly into your eyes as he leaned over you to place the pillow back in it's original spot.

You crossed your arms shooting him a glare. "No of course I wasn't aiming for you. A I'm not that stupid to attack you with a pillow, I'd at least pick something that would do damage." You watched as he sat on the edge of the bed never looking away from you. One of his eyebrows shot up showing his amusement at your comment.

"And B my aim is great. I mean I'm no Hugo but I seldom ever miss." You continued to glare at him. Although you quickly uncrossed your arms seeing his expression change. His brows were furrowed and you noticed a vein jumping on his jaw. He was clearly gritting his teeth but you couldn't figure out why. You hadn't said anything that was anymore rude than what you normally say.

He lunged forward gripping your jaw tightly in his gloved hand. Your eyes widening as he closed the gap between you lips crashing into yours. You tried to pull back slightly but his hind snaked around to the back of your neck holding you in place.

What the hell? Not that you were complaining, the kissing is... well the kissing is amazing. But his actions and the look on his face weren't exactly matching up. He continued to kiss you aggressively sliding his tongue across yours. You decided to reach out just a little with the force, enough to get his feelings at least.

You imagined that invisible hand again and surprisingly the feelings sprang right up with hardly any effort. Jealousy. Need. Hux was jealous? Of what? Then it dawned on you, you had mentioned Hugo. Hux had said he looked into you so he probably knew who Hugo was.

Although you weren't really sure how much he had found. Your little squad however elite in comparison to the other new recruits wasn't high ranking when it came to the Resistance as a whole. Not to mention your mission with Poe was your first but only the second for your group. Hugo's had been the first some sort of assassination thing you think.

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