The Final Battle

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WARNING - Violence, Death.

Poe had an odd expression on his face it was a mixture of excitement and looking like he was going to hurl at any moment. "Rey's sent us a message, a tracker to show us the way to Exegol."

There was a buzz about the room at his words, everyone knew what this meant we knew how to get to the fleet. You furrowed your brows rubbing the back of your neck with your palm as you looked at Poe. "Okay so we know there where, but what's the how?"

He glanced at you nodding as if he'd expected the question. "As long as those Star Destroyers are on Exegol, we can hit 'em."

Captain Beaumont crossed his arms looking to Poe in confusion, his mouth was set in a hard line. "But how?"

Rose who'd been standing silently next to Finn perked up at this inquiry. "Well, they can't activate their shields until the leave the atmosphere because of all the interference." 

You nodded quickly understanding where they were going with this as Poe continued to explain. "Which won't be easy for them, ships that size need a hand getting off the ground."

"So how do they do it?" You piped up again looking between Poe and Finn you were pretty sure you knew the answer but you wanted to be sure.

Poe pulled up some schematics on the holotable in front of him pointing at it as he spoke. "They use a signal from a navigation tower like this one."

Finn stepped up to the table placing both hands on it to lean forward eyes trained on the crowd gathered around him. "Except they won't. Air team's gonna find the tower, ground team's gonna blast it."

His eyes flicked to your face when he said air team. But the ground team comment confused you a little. Obviously you weren't the only one. Beaumont spoke up with his brows furrowed. "Ground team?"

Finn's eyes slid over to Jannah and they exchanged a knowing glance before he looked back at the Captain. "I've got a plan for that."

"Once the tower is down, the fleet will be stuck for a few minutes. No shields, no way out." Poe looked pretty pleased with his plan so far, folding his arms over his chest with a confident smile playing on his lips.

You glanced at Hux to your side who was standing there a little rigid. He had a look on his face like he was hearing something he shouldn't be. Gently your hand grazed down his spine trying to soothe him. He relaxed a little at your touch turning his head to shoot you a small smile.

"We think hitting the underbelly canons will do the trick to take out the destroyers." Rose was looking at the schematics pointing out the target she was referencing.

Lando stepped forward from where he'd been standing at the back of the crowd looking at Rose excitedly. "That's our chance!"

Beaumont didn't look convinced stepping forward to examine the schematics more closely. "We should be pulling some Holdo maneuvers. Do some real damage."

Finn shook his head from side to side slowly, clapping a hand on the Captain's shoulder and jostling him a little. "Come on. That move is one in a million. Fighters and freighters can take out their cannons if there are enough of us."

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