The Wars End

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"No! No!" Hux was toe to toe with Poe Dameron his fists firmly grasping the pilots shirt, the fabric creasing in his hands as he held on tightly and gave him a menacing look.

"She went down before I could even try and help her. Do you think I would've just let her die? I loved her too!" The look on Dameron's face was one of agony. He was choking back tears as he glared up at the redhead in front of him.

The words made Hux relax his grip and Poe took the opportunity to pry the tall man's hands off of his collar. Hux let his arms fall limply to his sides hanging there as his head fell forward in grief. Tears threatened to slip from his eyes as he stared blankly at the ground.

The assault on the command ship had gone as well as it could have, Hux knew that the Final Order would be prepared. But he made sure the Rebels knew the basic combat skills taught to every trooper to help prepare them also. Which seemed to help greatly during the mission to shut down the navs. They'd managed to shut down the navigation while only taking minimal damage thanks to the tips Hux had shared. Finn and Jannah stayed behind on the hope they could take out the entire ship. Finn had asked Hux to lead the rest of the ground team back and take care of the injured. 

Hux had just returned to the ground team carrier helping the injured Captain Beaumont up the ramp and into a seat on the shuttle when a distraught voice crackled over the coms. "Blue leader is down!"

The words had hit him with a force akin to cannon fire, his knees buckled and he fell to the floor howling in pain. The other Rebels had gathered around him trying to ease his sorrow, but they too were crying at the loss of their Commander.

Hux screamed until his voice broke in his throat turning into hoarse sobs. He was bent forward clutching his stomach as if he were in physical pain when Rose came to kneel beside him. There were tears on her cheeks as well and she placed a delicate hand on Hux's shoulder to offer some comfort. The pair just looked at each other grief passing between them as they cried together.

He barely remembered the journey back to Ajan Kloss, a cloud of sadness hung over his head, muffling the world around him. People had tried to speak to him but their words sounded so far away he couldn't understand them. All he could focus on was the excruciating pain in his chest, it felt as if someone had reached their hand into his body and pried his heart from its place behind his ribs.

Someone had mentioned seeing Rey's ship leave the planets surface followed by a TIE fighter rumoured to be carrying Kylo Ren. It wasn't fair that an animal like Ren got to live while his glorious Rebel did not.

The thought made his blood boil and he contemplated slicing Kylo in half with that monster's own saber once they reached the Rebel base. What was he to do now? What was the world without her in it?

These questions played on a loop the entire way back to the base. The second they landed Hux sprang to his feet searching out Dameron. Many people tried to stop him to offer their condolences but he couldn't listen to them, not right now. It had at one time warmed his heart to hear how much the Resistance loved her, but at that moment it was too painful. 

He didn't want to hear people tell him how amazing, courageous and excellent she was. He knew that. He had loved every single thing about her, especially the things they didn't know, the little secrets that were just for the two of them.

The men locked eyes as Hux pushed his way through the celebrating Resistance fighters and Armitage stormed over to the General fury clear as day on his severe features.

"She told me to tell you that she's sorry." Poe spoke softly approaching Hux as if he were an unpredictable predator, which at the moment was the truth.

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