The Map

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The sound of sure heavy footsteps echoed through the corridors of the Finalizer as Hux stalked towards the control room. He stared straight ahead not bothering to acknowledge the stormtroopers who moved to skirt around him nodding their heads and hurriedly tossing out greetings to the General. Hux might not be as fearsome as the mighty Kylo Ren but his presence demanded respect and the lower ranked crew members offered him a wide berth when he travelled around the ship.

His face would never betray this but internally he found their reaction thrilling. He didn't need to throw tantrums and damage every corner of the craft to garner this response from his ship's company. He considered this a win over Ren and he loved winning against that vile man.

He paused in front of the heavily guarded door to the command deck and inhaled deeply once before nodding to the troopers and passing through the doors. At once dozens of eyes were on him, he strode right up to the navigators and loomed over their panel.

"Set a course for Jakku." He barked sharply causing the man closest to him to flinch ever so slightly.

"Yes sir." The man responded timidly his hands flying across the control panel in front of him.

Hux looked up staring out of the large windows into the vast expanse of space in front of him. He heard the doors slide open behind him with a hiss and knew Ren had entered the command deck without even looking. The mood immediately shifted whenever he was around, he could feel everyone tense, once the ship had jumped to hyperdrive Hux finally turned to acknowledge the Commander.

"Ren, we are on course to Jakku. Once we arrive I'll send a small group of stormtroopers to execute the mission." Hux said staring into the slits on the ridiculous mask Kylo Ren insisted on wearing.

"No, I'll accompany them." Ren said his voice monotone because of the mask. Hux had the feeling the Knight was looking past him instead of at him and that irritated him to no end. He knew that Kylo had little to no respect or regard for him, but to act this way in front of the crew. Hux gritted his teeth a vein in his jaw twitching subtly.

"Fine do as you please." Was all he said before turning back towards the navigational panels. The rest of the trip was met with silence, the tension in the room was palpable. Once the ship was finally in orbit around Jakku and the Commander and General left the bridge the crew audibly sighed in relief.

Hux stalked after Rens dark figure as they beelined straight for the hangar bay where the troopers Hux had designated for this mission were waiting to depart on a smaller craft. Hux watched as Ren stomped onto the ship and soon after took off towards Tuanul.

Hux hoped Ren could control his temper long enough to secure the map that the Supreme Leader instructed them to get. He didn't understand what Snoke saw in Kylo, maybe it was all the untamed rage? Hux didn't even want to waste time speculating. He turned and left the hangar heading towards his office to work while he waited for Rens return.

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