The Force

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Warning - Violence, Emotional Manipulation


Hux was fuming as he stalked through the halls of the finalizer not only did they lose the droid but the mission to recover it had been unsuccessful and now he has to deal with some Resistance scum that somehow managed to sneak aboard. 

To make matters worse this girl seems to have done something to infuriate Kylo, he had stormed onto the bridge demanding Hux deal with the situation after that he stomped out and caused a whole heap of damage to the ship. He hadn't even waited for Hux's reply.

Hux rolled his eyes at the memory and he stopped in front of the cell door, thank the stars the Commander had left on another retrieval mission for the droid. Hux was in no mood to deal with Rens ridiculous temper tantrums.

He knew the mission alone was making matters worse, Snoke had informed them that the droid was with none other than Han Solo when they last met. Combined with the first failure and the stowaway Hux was sure Ren would destroy the whole ship with his rampaging.

He sighed loudly and pressed the button to open the cell door. The prisoner had been basically ignored for two days now. No one was permitted to go in or out for anything, Rens orders. Frankly Hux didn't understand, from the looks of her she was a low ranked soldier. She probably had no valuable information for them at all.

She looked up at the sound of him entering the room. She was disbelieved, her clothes a Resistance pilot suit, was caked with dirt from days spent in the desert. Her face streaked with tears, dirt and a bit of blood. Her hair matting from days of having her head pressed against the restraint.

Despite all of this Hux had to admit she was still oddly attractive. There was something wild about her eyes, they shone with defiance and hope. It made him want to break her, to see the hope slowly diminish.

Hux stopped in front of her, wordlessly observing. She looked unnerved by his silence.

"What did you do with the other pilot?" she practically spit the word at him, he could feel her disdain.

He smirked and continued to look at her without speaking. Kylo hadn't told him much but he did say she came aboard looking for the other Resistance fighter. Hux knew she wouldn't have much to offer for information so he decided to have some fun, get some of his own aggression out.

"Well first we beat him, relentlessly and without rest." Hux said keeping his voice level and his face blank. Her eyes opened wider and her mouth fell open unable to hide her shock at his candour.

"Then when he finally gave in and spilled all your filthy rebel secrets we put him out of his misery." Hux maintained eye contact with her watching the array of emotions twist across her face.

"No!" She cried out her head slumping forward in grief. Tears were streaming freely from her eyes now. Yes this is what he wanted, to see her crumble. But when she looked back up at him that defiance was still firmly set in her eyes.

The vein in his jaw twitched. "He would never betray the Resistance, you're lying. Poe was not weak!" She looked so sure.

"Well our Commander has a unique skill set, he's very good at" Hux paused a beat mostly for dramatic effect. "extracting information."

Then the girl did something unbelievable, she smirked. "Oh yes, his mind reading bullshit." She looked far too amused for Hux's liking. "He tried that on me, didn't he tell you how it went?"

Hux was taken aback but he didn't show it on his face. What had happened when Kylo tried to used the force on her?

"I stopped him, even managed to get a sneak peak in that fucked up brain of his." She said confidently turning her head to the side slightly stretching her neck.

Hux just stood there, dumbfounded. Was this true? Is this why Kylo was so angry when he came to him about the girl? He needed to know for sure. IF this girl was force sensitive she could be of use to him. He knew he needed to figure it out quickly before Ren decided to kill her.

Obviously he had been silent for too long, the girl was getting impatient with his staring.

"Hey perv, did you just come to stare or do you have something to say?" she barked at him shifting on the restraint uncomfortably.

This comment snapped him from his reverie and he furrowed his brows. In the blink of an eye his hand flew out to connect with the side of her face delivering a blow that surely left her head spinning.

She froze her head turned away from him stuck in the position his slap and put her in. She blinked a few times before turning back to face him. Hux could see blood on the corner of her mouth.

Her eyes were angry now, wilder than before. She ran her tongue across her bloody teeth and unbelievably she spit. Bloody saliva landing on Hux's chest.

He paused eyes locked on her before looking down at the red glob sliding slowly down his shirt. He looked back up making eye contact again as he ran his gloved fingers over it collecting it all before taking very deliberate steps towards her. Never looking away until he was mere inches from her. She shrank back, chest heaving, she was so close that every time she breathed their torsos touched ever so slightly.

Slowly Hux ran his spit covered fingers down the side of her face then across her lips. The blood stained her skin red and she shuddered ever so slightly. Hux stayed there for a while just watching her and she continued to stare right back at him.

"This is going to be so much fun." He said finally before turning on his heel and stalking out of the room.

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