Part nine

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Your POV
I've been downstairs in the main room watching all of the hostages when Rio came down. "Val, come on, and get the lamb!" I nodded and went over to Allison. I pulled her arm. "Let's go." I told her. I follow Rio to wherever we're going.

(No ones POV, outside in the tent.)
"Raquel, all communication from inside the building must be done from that phone over there"  Angel said while pointing to the phone he just set up. "No cell phones, okay?" Raquel nodded. "Put me through, right now. I want to talk to them." They started walking and Raquel looked back and saw someone. "Angel, what the fuck is Colonel Prieto doing here?" Raquel asked pissed. "I don't know, I don't know." Angel said walking to the phone.

"There's people firing guns in the same place where we print money. Don't you think intelligence should be aware?" Colonel Prieto asked Raquel while walking over to her. "We're calling the Royal Mint now Raquel." Angel said walking over to her.

They started calling inside the bank. Berlin transferred the call to the professor. "Hello." Raquel said. "Good evening." The professor said with a voice changer that Rio got for him. "This is Raquel Murillo, inspector in charge of negotiations. Who is this?" She asked across the phone line. "The robber in charge of the heist." The professor stated. "So, how are your colleagues doing?" He asked. Everyone in the bank was listening to the call. "Well at the moment, we don't have any casualties." Raquel answered. "I'm glad. Honestly, I'm glad." The professor said. "Sorry, I can't hear you very well." Raquel says, trying to get him to take the voice changer off.

"Yes, my apologies for this terrible metallic voice. But you have to understand, I have to protect our identity. Unless you provide us a helicopter and we go to Brazil." The professor said to Raquel. "Is that what you want, a helicopter?" Raquel asked. "I want to negotiate with someone, someone who won't waste time to check with a supervisor with intelligence, or with their mother for yes or no." The professor said. "Then you should talk directly with the president, but since he's kinda busy running the country, I'll just stand in for him, if you don't mind." Raquel said.

The professor smiled and laughed a little. "Are there any other questions?" The inspector asked. "Yes. What are you wearing?" He asked. Raquel looked confused. "What?" She asked. "What are you wearing?" He repeated. "Don't you think our clothes say a lot about our personalities?" He asked. "Look, I really have no problem answering your question, but you need to be fully aware, this conversation is being heard by the members of the UDEV, UIT, CNI, their liaison office, the head of the GEO and a few more officers." Raquel said, not answering the question. "Well, in that case, I think we definitely should introduce ourselves. Ladies and gentlemen, it's a pleasure. Forgive me for not sharing my name, but you can call me professor. That's what everybody calls me."

Angel started talking to the professor. "Hello, I'm Angel, deputy inspector of the police."  "Nice to meet you Angel, how are you?" The professor blurted. "Hello, good morning" He replied. "Good morning." The professor replied. "Well, this was a touching moment. Tell me, what do you want?" Raquel took over again. "Time, to try and set things straight. Listen inspector, a few more seconds and we would be able to escape. But now we're perfectly prepared to defend ourselves, so you should avoid any type of intervention. Can I trust you?" He asked. "Yes of course." Raquel replied calmly. "But in order for me to trust you, you need to do something for me." She continued. "Release the students. They're minors. Things will be much easier." Raquel stated.

"But inspector, you still haven't told me what you're wearing yet." The professor noted. "I have on a light grey suit, with a blue shirt, high heel black boots, and a, well, I think that's enough for now. Don't you?" She inquired. "Now I have a clear picture of you." He said. "But inspector, a women's suit comes with some kind of skirt or a pair of slacks, doesn't it? So if I ask you again, be a bit more specific. I'll think about your request." With that, he hung the phone up.

"Only a lunatic would take 60 hostages and play games with a negotiator."Angel said to Raquel. "No, he's way to calm to be a lunatic." Raquel stated and got up. "I want a helicopter flying 24/7 above their heads. We won't give them food, water, or any other requests. Is that clear?" Raquel yelled. "Excuse me, Inspector." Colonel Prieto came over to her. "Just because you don't give the supplies, doesn't mean they'll surrender. The chief of the GEOs and I discussed it, and we believe that we need to intervene immediately." He said. "If they wanted a disaster like at Moscow's Opera House, they would've called you right away. We don't need you here to bust our balls." Raquel said pissed off. "Please, inspector, don't be so defensive. I'm here to help you. I know you're going through a rough time." The Colonel said.

"If your inferring I'm in my period, I'm not. But thanks for your concern." Raquel prodded and started walking away. "I'm referring to the charges of domestic violence you filed against your ex-husband." Raquel stopped and turned around. "Well, I see you've done your homework. You can't help sticking your nose where it doesn't belong."    "Internal affairs does its job. In fact, they believe the charges you made are fake. Your ex-husband has rebuilt his personal life and his career in the police department. But some women just can't move on." The Colonel protested. "Look, I don't know if your just an asshole, or just stupid." Raquel said and turned towards everyone else. "If anyone's interested in my personal life, then I'd like you to know the case is being dealt with, now it's up to the judge." Raquel specified and turned back to the Colonel. "I appreciate your concern, Colonel." After that, they got an incoming call from the museums antenna. "Record it" Raquel said. "Turn up the volume. Silence, please!"

"Your not coming for dinner? I'm working. Tell your mother and sister I'm sorry. Why aren't you coming? Tell them I'm sorry. Honestly I have to work, don't give me a hard time."  Angel went out and saw it was one of the officers phone call. "Almansa!" He yelled. Angel went back into the tent. "Cut it! It's Almansa."

So this chapter was mostly the phone call, but not all of it.

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