Part nineteen

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(No ones POV)
Oslo went into the room where some of the girls were to watch them. Monica was trying to get the phone. "It's really hot in here." She said, moving seats. May I?" She asked getting up. "Hey!" Oslo said, "water?" She asked while pointing at it. He nodded. She grabbed it. "Sit down." He said. She moved back slowly. "Sit down!" He yelled. Monica dropped her water. While she bent over to pick it up, she stuck her hand in the coat pocket to get the phone. After she got it, she hid it in her coveralls.

She started walking back to her seat when she saw Denver right in front of her. "I got the medications." He told everyone. "Hand them out." He said, giving it to a lady in there. "I'll leave now." Monica said. "Wait. Come outside." Denver told her. She shook her head no. "Come outside." He repeated.

Denver lit a cigarette. "You might not give a shit about what I'm about to say, but I think an abortion is a bad idea."

The professor went to the cafe, where Raquel is. "They're not leaving, huh?" He asked her, referring to the news. It was talking about the robbers at the bank. "Those people, they must be desperate to do that, right?" He asked. "That's what makes them very dangerous." She said, avoiding eye contact. "But they don't want to hurt anyone. Well, that's what they're saying." He said, trying not to seem suspicious. "Then they wouldn't carry assault rifles, would they?"

"Sure, yeah, I guess you're right." The professor spoke. "On the other hand, no one goes and try's to Ron the Royal mint with a slingshot, right?" He asked. Raquel got up and walked over to the bar. "Check, please." She said. The professor walked back over to her. "And, do you know how many there is? Some say there are 7."

Raquels phone started ringing. "Excuse me." Raquel told the professor. "Sure." He said. 

"Yes?" She said. "Raquel, the kid was at the museum." Angel told her over the phone. "When was that?" She asked. "Three months ago. Cameras caught them during a museum tour." Angel said. "Was he alone?" She asked. "No, no. You were right. He was with someone. Listen, we identified another one of the robbers. Ok, I'm sending you the photo. You should get it right now."

The professor was looking over her shoulder, trying to see the picture. She looked back and saw him. She grabbed his arm and leaned him on the bar, starting to lag him down. "Where is it?" She asked him. "What are you talking about?" He asked Raquel. "Where are you hiding the recorder?" She asked him, while she stood him up. "What, what recorder?" He asked. "Is it a coincidence? That you're here everyday asking me questions? Who do you work with?" She asked, checking inside his suit.

"Sorry, what?" He asked, confused. "What fucking outlet are you with?" She asked. "I'm not a reporter. My names Salvador Martin. Please, look I'm my wallet! Antonio please." He said, looking back at the worker. "What's going on, Salva?" He asked. "I don't know?" Salva said. "I know him. He's here everyday." The worker told Raquel. She looked around before grabbing her stuff and leaving,

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