Part 28

550 16 4

(Your POV)
We were told that something happened Moscow. I went with Nairobi and Denver to check on him. "Papa.... Papa. Are you ok?" Denver asked him

"Just a little cold."

"Bring a blanket." Denver ordered Nairobi. "Yeah, sure." She said, and got up. "And something with sugar." He added.

"Alright, let's go Helsinki. Don't just stand there." Nairobi shoved him a little.

"I don't know what happened." Moscow murmured, shifting his eyes between me and Denver, considering I was crouching right next to him.

"I think it's because I've been digging the tunnel, and I've only ate those shitty sandwiches." He whispers, out of breathe.

"Take it easy, rest." Denver says, while I rub Moscow's shoulder. We both look back at the same time and just see Berlin standing there, watching.

"You know what you could use right now?" I asked him. "One of those stews that you like. With chickpeas and pork." I say and Denver nodded.

Nairobi came in with the blanket right after that. She places it on him. "Alright, here you go, Moscow."

"There are four corners to my bed." Nairobi says, looking at me to finish it.

"There are four angels at my head." I say, knowing she says that a lot.

"Now relax, alright."

We moved Moscow upstairs, to the couch. After that, I went downstairs, well I followed Nairobi but whatever.

I was with Tokyo, in the main place with all of the hostages. I honestly don't know where Nairobi went, but I'm not going to look for her.

Everybody was eating and we were throwing things away now. I was on the opposite side of Tokyo, and I watched her pass Allison, for a reason I don't know why. Rio went by her right after Tokyo did, and she stopped him.


We heard someone coming down the stairs, and, oh hey it's Moscow. I was smiling but then it dropped the minute I saw where he was going.

"Moscow?" Helsinki questioned. "What's he doing?" He said before going after him.

"Moscow. Moscow! Stop!" Helsinki yelled.

Holy shit. I think he's about to open the doors.

"What's he doing?" Denver asked.

"I don't know." Tokyo responded. I have them a worried look before running to where he went.

As I went over there, I saw him standing in front of the opened door. I didn't have my mask on. Shit.

I had to quickly put it on, hopefully it was quick enough because I know those bastards record everything. I heard Tokyo yell.

"Everyone need to get down! Get down now!"

What the fuck is he doing.

Before the police did anything, Denver came and tackled him.

"Papa! Hide your face!"

"Let me out!"

"No papa!"

"I have to get out!"

They were fighting now, which wasn't a good idea.

Before anything happened, I ran over and slammed my hand on the red button, closing the doors.

Anything that was happening between Denver and Moscow, I couldn't hear anymore because they were quite. I took off my mask and looked at them in disbelief.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2021 ⏰

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