Part fifteen

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(No ones POV)
Early in the morning. All of the hostages were sleeping. Berlin walked over to Monica and picked up her hand. She opened her eyes. "I would like to ask you a favor." He said. Monica looked confused and mostly scared.

"Deputy inspector, they're opening the doors." One of the police told Angel, since Raquel wasn't around. All of the police moved forward with their guns. "There are 7 men armed with M16's sir." That's what they said over the radio.

(Your POV)
We're bringing Monica outside. She's doing something for us. "Take off the mask." Berlin told her. He put a megaphone up to her mouth. "I ask you to please not shoot. My name is Monica Gaztambide. I'm only here to read a statement. I'm speaking on behalf of the thieves. There are 67 hostages. All of us are in perfect health. And well taken care of. No one has been killed or wounded. We're all dressed the same way. It's impossible tell us apart from the thieves." She stopped talking. We went back inside before they could shoot anyone.

"We're locked in. We don't know how much longer this could last. But as long as they don't shoot me in the head, I'll take care of you. As long as you don't trick me or try to communicate with the outside, it'll all be fine." To be honest, the hostages should be thanking us. Not many robbers would be this sweet like us. They could've been dead by now.

"From now on we'll get organized. You'll be assigned some tasks, so you don't get stressed." Berlin was talking until he stopped in front of that dude that was in the bathroom with Allison Parker.

"What's your name?" Berlin asked him. "Pablo" he answered. "Do you play sports?" Berlin questioned. "Y-yeah, I'm captain of the track team at school." He answered, stuttering a little at the beginning. Me and Rio were right next to him. He looked at me. I shrugged a little while smiling. Then he looked at Rio. He mouthed 'woah' while smiling and putting his hands up.

"One step forward, captain." Berlin told him. He took a small step forward and stopped. Berlin looked the other way and moved on. "One step forward." He told this guy, and kept moving on. Until he got to Arturo. "My friend. Arturito." He said while laughing a little. "Did you sleep well?" He questioned. "Fine. Fine." He said while nodding. "Tell me, are you handy around the house?" Berlin asked.

"No. No, sir, I'm a disaster. If I get a flat, my wife changes it." Arturo says while shaking his head. "So you're saying you don't own a drill?" Berlin asked. "No." He said, still shaking his head. "Think really hard, because I have a fucking lie detector right here." Berlin said, pointing to his eyes. He got close to Arturo, still pointing to his eyes. "Yeah." Arturo whispered. "Second opportunity, are you handy around the house?" Berlin asked while backing up. "I can manage." Arturo managed to get out. "One step forward."

(No ones POV)
Berlin was about to keep moving, but he heard someone crying. "Would you feel better if we brought a sedative to you?" Berlin asked her. (Sedative is a drug taken for calming or sleep-inducing effect) "yes please." She answered, still crying. "Anyone else need medication?" Berlin asked everyone else in the room. "Me, I'm diabetic." A women said raising her hand.

"Come with sonsoles, please." Berlin told her. "Me. I take sertraline." Another girl said. Berlin nodded while giving her a hand gesture to 'come here'. "Anyone else?" He asked. "Me." Monica said, stepping forward. "I would like to request an abortion pill. We don't know how long we'll be here, and I want to get it over with." Denver looked kind of shocked.

"You'll get that today. All of you, come with me. I'll take you to Mr. Roman's office, you'll be more comfortable there." Berlin was about to move, until he heard another voice. "Excuse me, I have a request too." He looked back and walked over to Allison Parker. "Yes?" He asked. "I want to go on the internet, to delete a photo." She asked. "Sorry but that's out of my hands." Berlin said, and walked away. "I was tricked. He took a nude photo of me in the bathroom. And now my parents, my teachers, and all of the press can see it." Berlin walked back over to her.

"You can send a message, a video, so they don't worry, and we'll send it for you." She nodded. "All of you can record your own messages, for your families." Berlin said and walked away. "Nairobi, Valencia, they're all yours."

(Your POV)
"Let's go, tough guys." Nairobi said. "Now put your hands behind your heads, form a straight line to the left. Chest out, like the national soccer team. Come on, big man." I said that. But after I said that, that fucking Pablo dude smiled at me. I pointed my gun at him. "You think this is funny?" I asked him. He didn't say anything. "I said, do you think this is funny? I will shoot you without hesitation. So answer my god damn question."

"No." He whispered. "What was that?" I asked. "No." He said louder. I lowered my gun. "Good." I said and walked away. Nairobi looked at me and smiled. "What?" I asked her, trying not to smile. "Nothing, just how pissed you get at little things." I rolled my eyes while smiling. "Whatever."

(No ones POV)
"You see this dotted line. You're going to break the concrete without going an inch off that line. Like, when you cut out shapes as a kid. It's 168 feet down to get to the sewer. We're working three hour shifts. And when your done with your shift, you go back with the others. And not a fucking word of what you're doing here." Moscow took the guys down to a room. Their job is to dig a tunnel

"Any questions?" Moscow asked, pointing a flash light in Arturo's eyes. "No" he said. "That's good. That means I was clear." He said backing up. "Ok then, get to work." Then he went over to the equipment. "You, out on the ear protection and get the jackhammer." He said, pointing the flashlight at Arturo. "Uh I've never used one of this before." Arturo said, shaking his head. "There's a first time for everything." Moscow said, kind of annoyed. Arturo out the ear protection on, and picked the jackhammer up. He dragged it a little.

"Hey, hey. Be careful. Wouldn't be a first time someone's lost a foot with that." Moscow said and backed away, laughing. Arturo started using it.

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