Part sixteen

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(Your POV)
I had to go up to the office with Rio. We're letting the hostages record videos. Allison started recording hers. "Keep it short please." Rio told her. I looked at him. "So, have you talked to Tokyo at all?" I asked him. "No, why would I?" I shrugged. "Because you love her." Allison started talking about the photo that was leaked. She put her phone down and looked at us. "I can't" she said. "Don't worry to much about the photo. It's like going topless at the beach." Rio told her.

"Yeah, that won't help at all!" I told him. He ignored me. "No one thinks that's a big deal." God, Rio sucks at advice. "Listen, Allison. Even if they have seen the photo, who cares! Your literally being held hostage. I'm sure that the least of their worries." That's what I told her. "I'm not one of the types that goes topless." Am i a ghost or something? "Um hello. Am I a ghost?" I asked leaning on the table. Just then, Tokyo walked in. "Oooo Tokyo! Where have you been?" I asked her. "Shhh." She told me and pulled me by her.

"Are they flirting?" She asked me. "I don't know, but they've ignored me." I told her. We heard Allison say how breaking her arm was the most exciting thing in school. "A kidnapping is more exciting." Tokyo said and they both looked at her. "Agreed." I said. "Are you gonna talk to him?" I asked her. "Yep" I nodded and sat back on my chair. "Hey sis?" I wanna ask her a question. "Yeah?" She said. "Do you think the police know that I was the one that killed our parents?" I asked. "She smiled and came over to me. "I doubt it sissy. Plus, how would they know?"

"Um, I don't know." I said. "Exactly, now if you excuse me, I have to do something," she ruffled my hair and walked away. I stayed though because I wanna hear their conversation.

Rio walked over to her. "Your quiet, what's a matter?" Tokyo asked him. "What the fuck do you care, I'm just a kid."  Oh, he went there. I did a little 'ooo' but quietly, so they wouldn't hear me. "I'm just a fuck buddy for five months, right? The idiot with a dog tag." I looked over and saw Allison looking at us. "I said that you were a kid and I'll never be with you so you wouldn't get shot. Because I couldn't care less if they shot me."

"That's a load of shit, you didn't do that for me." Rio said. "What's wrong with all of you? Since we've got here, everyone except for Valencia, has been giving me shit." I smiled a little. 

"If I was your fuck boy, just tell me." Rio said, kind of hurt. "Yeah, you were a good fuck.  You were everything. This conversation is over." After that, Tokyo walked away. "You had the fucking nerve to tell them you're mourning your boyfriend. You weren't mourning when you asked me to fuck you against the wall. I didn't see a rosette in your fingers." Tokyo turned around after that and walked right back to Rio.

Tokyo pushed him against the wall. "Talk to me like that again and I'll smash your face in."  She walked away after that. Well, that didn't go how I expected. I looked over at Allison and she had her phone. "Rio." He turned his head to me. "What?" He asked annoyed. "Look." He turned his head to look at Allison. "Hey, hey! What the hell. What are you doing. What the fucks wrong with you!" He threw the phone.

(No ones POV)
"Play it back. Improve the image." The police hacked into Allison Parker's camera that she used. "We have him." The Colonel  said. It was a picture of Rio from Allison's phone.

"They're gonna kill us." Arturo said while laughing a bit. "What are you saying?" Pablo asked him. "They're gonna kill us." He repeated. Pablo kept shushing him. "They're gonna escape through the tunnels were digging for them, it's gonna be a fucking bloodbath." Arturo said, sounding like he was cry.

"Shut up already, you don't know anything." Pablo told him. Arturo got closer to him and grabbed his face. "Just think about it, do you think they're stupid enough to let us go? So we can go to the police, and identify them? Think damn it! We're fucked." He said while he flicked his forehead. "Twice, two times, I've been told I'm a dead man." Arturo sighed.

"Go look what's under the tarp."  Arturo told Pablo. "No. No way!" He said. "Look what's under it. I'm not going to sit here, waiting like a fucking pig to be slaughtered without doing anything. Look under the tarp. See if there's some guns." Pablo started walking over there.

He went over and grabbed the light. He took the tarp off. "They're containers." He sniffed it. "It's gasoline." He pulled out another thing. "Ammunition." He pulled the tarp off more to reveal a chest. He opened it. "Is it drugs?" He asked. "It's heroin. It's heroin, man." He picked it up and showed Arturo. "Leave that. Put it back now! It's an explosive, for fucks sake!" Arturo yelled at Pablo. He dropped it back in the chest.

Moscow came back. "Why the hell do I not hear the jackhammer running?" Moscow yelled. "We're taking a break chief!" Arturo yelled while coughing. "You take a break when I tell you to. Or when it's your turn." Moscow announced. "Okay, okay. Well do it. We'll get going." Arturo said, out of breath.

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