Part twenty two

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(No ones POV)
Raquel was calling the professor again. "Yes?" He answered. "Professor, the time I gave you is up now. Are you going to surrender?" She asked. "What sort of games did you play as a girl?" The professor asked. The Inspector looked annoyed, "I played jump rope, kick the can, pin the tail on the donkey. I played with paper dolls." She answered the question.

"I played cops and robbers." The professor said. "Do you know it? The cops had to catch the robbers. When they got caught, they were out. And I don't have a single memory as a child, surrendering before getting caught." The professor continued. "Those kids weren't looking at going to prison for 8 to 16 years." The inspector replied.

"You're right. You're certainly right. Which is why I talked to all of my partners. We voted, and guess what?" The professor said. "We're very optimistic. In fact, we decided we're not going to prison." The professor exclaimed. "You're making people suffer.what do you plan to do?" Raquel questioned. "Get a pen and paper." He told the inspector.

"I need a truck with three axels that can hold 18 tons, escorted by two tankers full of propane gas, and the ship Malaika with a flag of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. Sound familiar?" He asked.

"It's the one you seized nine months ago with 2,800 pounds of cocaine. It's still at the military base in Ferris." The professor said. "Getting the green light for your demands won't be easy. Due to... logistical issues and safety concerns." Raquel stated.

"Imagine this: so a building collapses... and 67 people are inside. How many units would you mobilize to save all this innocent people? Listen carefully, Inspector. Let's be clear here. You only have two choices. One, go after us. Two, you save lives. But I'm afraid can't choose both."

"I'll make you a promise. If you don't come after us, I'll hand over the 67 hostages safe and sound, once we're in international waters. And I assure you, this wasn't my first choice. I hate the sea, fish, and sand in the beach. But life doesn't always give you an easy way out, does it?" He hung up after that. His phone was ringing and he answered. It was Raquel's mom.

"I got a message from my daughter this morning from this phone. I'm Raquel Murillo's mother, and I can't reach her. Do you know where she is? It's really urgent."

"We're getting that truck to bring them out of hiding. It'll be easier if they're out in the open. We'll stock the gas with sleeping gas." The Colonel said. "They won't come out." Raquel replied. "How do you know that?" The Colonel asked.

"They opened up the vault, but didn't want the money. They waited for the police. They began shooting. They dropped two bags that happened to be open, scattering money on the street." Raquel exclaimed. "And?" The Colonel said.

"They pretended to be trapped to gain two days to negotiate with us. But they meant to go in. With a browning machine gun, masks, suits, and everything else." Angel caught on of what she was saying.

"They activated the alarm a few hours after entering." He pronounced. "That's after opening the vault. They used the money inside to create the illusion of a heist. It was intentional." Raquel continued.

"The ambassador's daughter is in there. " Angel said. "That's why he's not hesitating. He's confident because his plan is working." Raquel said.

"Well, what plan is better than to leave with the 8 million from the vault?" The Colonel asked. "They're printing their own unmarked bills." Raquel said.

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