Part 26

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(Your POV)
So, Um, Moscow came in. Didn't go very well. We just told him that his son killed someone. I'm pretty sure someone in this room may have thought Moscow's reaction would have been 'oh, my son, hell yeah! I'm gonna go celebrate with him for killing someone.' But I don't know who.

"So....." I said, wondering if we're done talking about, you know, the order to kill a hostage. "Shut up Valencia!" Tokyo said. I put my hands up in defense, walking backwards a little bit, while mumbling, "sheesh, ok, I'll go fuck myself then." And I then sat back on the couch.

Nairobi came and sat by me. "So, what were you saying about fucking yourself?" She asked me. I froze for a quick second and looked at her. "You heard me?" I asked. She laughed a little, then I started laughing. "Hey! Keep it down, will ya?" Rio asked. I flipped him off.

(No ones POV)
Moscow went down to where the bathroom was. There was a tiny puddle of blood by the door. Berlin chased after him. "Moscow!" He yelled. "Don't move." Moscow kept walking, so Berlin pulled a gun on him. "Last chance. Go back to your position." Moscow slowly turned to him and walked over to him.

"And if I don't. You gonna shoot me? Who's next?" Moscow was looking Berlin dead in the eyes while talking. "Everyone? You'll be alone in this mousetrap." Berlin looked like he was having second thoughts. He pulled his finger off the trigger and Moscow turned back around.

Moscow put his hand on the handle and opened the door slowly. He walked in and saw blood prints all over the bathroom floor. And Denver. Well, he was washing the blood off of him in the sink.

"Son." Denver looked at Moscow, the looked at the blood on the floor. He slowly looked back at his dad. "Did you kill that women?" Berlin turned into the door just as Moscow asked that. Denver looked like he was going to cry. He was about to say no, but when he saw Berlin, he had no other choice but to say yes. He doesn't want Berlin to know that he didn't kill her.

"Papa." Denver said. Moscow walked over to one of the stalls and grabbed onto the outside of one. He put his back to one. "I can't breathe." He said, struggling to breath. (Well obvi he was struggling to breathe.) Denver walked over to him. Moscow was not sitting on the floor.

"Papa. Papa, what's wrong." Denver asked. "Papa, is it your heart?" Denver asked, grabbing Moscow's arm. "Papa, come on, is it a heart attack? No,no,no,no,no" Berlin walked over to them as he said that. "It's a panic attack, lay him Down."

(Your POV)
We went back downstairs because who else would watch the hostages? That's right. No one.  (Your about to steal Rio's part :) ) I was walking over to where Allison Parker was, but Aturito was right next to her. He stopped me.

"Um, excuse me." I turned and looked at him. "The gunshots we heard before, is anyone hurt?" I grabbed his shoulders. "Arturito, take it easy. Nobody's hurt. ok?" I announced to everyone.

"We did it to stop an intervention, that's all." I walked away after that. I heard the teacher or whatever she is talking to the kids. "You heard her. Why don't we stop thinking about those gunshots. These people, they're robbers. Not terrorists."

I laughed to myself after she said that. Not terrorists. I hope not.

Whoever is reading this is very swag😈🤪

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