Part seventeen

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(No ones POV)
Raquel came back. The news channels were asking her questions as she showed up. Such as "is there a problem between intelligence and the police" or "did you quit because of your domestic violence charges"

"Back so soon?"  The Colonel asked her as she came in. She slowly turned around and walked over to him. "Do you have a minute?" She asked him. "Always."

"Colonel Prieto. Look, I've been upset these last few hours, but I'd like communication to smooth between us. I think both of us can contribute a lot in this crisis." Raquel said smoothly. "I appreciate your mea culpa. So, I'm here, at your disposal. But I want you to know, before there is any kind of misunderstanding, I'm a happily married man." After that, Angel started calling Raquel. "Male, 25, we got him with Allison Parker's cell phone."Angel said, while handing her photos. "Identity."

"Yeah we're looking right now. They're running facial recognition." Raquel walked over to the desk. "I wanna watch the whole video." Angel followed her. "Pull up the recording." He told the other people who were at the desk. "We couldn't get more than six seconds." Angel told Raquel. "Pause it."

"It looks like a Makarov" the Colonel said. "No, it's a stizh 9mm, also Russian. It's uncommon to see them here."  They we're trying to figure out what type of gun it was. "Talk to one of your officers. Tell them to ask every informant from Eastern Europe with links to the black market." Raquel said to Angel. "What's that on the wall?" Someone asked. "Cell phones." The colonel said. "Pull up the footage of the rear camera." Raquel told the person who was at the computer.

"What's that on the tags? Zoom in." Raquel told him. "The list of hostages." Raquel said. Angel handed Raquel a paper. "Those are their cell phones." Raquel said looking between the paper and the screen. "The recognition team will have his identity an 1 hour or two." Angel announced to Raquel. "No, we're not waiting that long." Raquel said and went to the phone. She called the professor.

The professor got out a piece of paper and started making an origami. "Don't you find the connection we have very special?" He asked Raquel. "I was actually just about to call you right now." The professor stated. "Well, considering that I'm the negotiator, and you're holding hostages." Raquel said but got cut off. "Okay, but we shouldn't let that interfere with our relationship. I see an opportunity." The professor said. "An opportunity for what?" Raquel questioned. "To get to know each other. I'm sure that if we'd met in a bar, you would've completely ignored me."

"Tell me inspector. Have you ever faked an orgasm?" The professor asked her. She looked shocked that he asked that. "No." She said. "Please, inspector, don't lie to me. Think about it for a minute, ok." She took a deep breath. "I might have. I might of faked  one. You see, men are programmed to ejaculate within the shortest time possible. And a women, to last the longest time possible. A lack of capability in nature is sometimes resolved with a fake orgasm."

"Which is nothing more than a little scam. Or a lie. Like last nights raid with three elite force teams. Inspector, I beg you not to lie to me. You'll danger some people." The professor stated, in a threatened voice. "I wouldn't lie. Now tell me, why were you gonna call me?"

"We need some food and several medications. Insulin, sertraline, albuterol, an abortion pill, and sedatives." Raquel was confused. "An abortion pill?" She asked. "These are request from the hostages. We all have personal problems, don't you agree?" She nodded her head. "You'll get your request." She said. "Fine. Civil protection will make the delivery in clear bags to avoid hidden weapons. Now tell me, you were calling me to..." the professor wanted to know why she called.

"To ask you to surrender immediately. I have images from the inside. I've learned the identity of one of you, and if I keep digging, I'll find the names of everyone in your crew. I'm offering you a deal with the DA. We can reduce your sentences from 16 years to eight years, on,y if you get out now. There's no casualties yet, so we can offer a deal."

"I don't think that's a fair deal inspector. That means we lose." The professor replied. "You've already lost. Look, in the unlikely event that you escape, you're faces will be on every news, police stations, and the border. You'll no longer have a plan B."

"Then we'll activate plan C." The professor stammered. "You think I'm bluffing, right?" Raquel asked. "Frankly, yes." The professor sneered. "To tell you that I'm not lying, I'll give some proof. You have 67 phones stuck to the wall with Velcro. You have one hour to consider my offer." With that, Raquel hung up.

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