Part 24

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(Flashback, 2 years ago, you were 20)
Here we are. Doing my first heist. Don't know how this is going to turn out, but I'm excited. I'm doing it with my sister. Silene. (Her name wasn't Tokyo yet lol)

What bank are we robbing? Well she told me it's called Banco Santander. (Idk I just looked up random banks in Spain.)

"Do you have everything?" I asked her. She started listing off everything. "Guns, masks, explosives, grenades, bullets, anddddd Yup pretty sure." She replied. "Ok, so this is your first time." I shook my head as in 'yes' "are you scared." She asked me. "Little bit."

She nodded her head and walked away. But, she came back to me. "But you're ok, right?" I shook my head. She nodded and walked away again. But again, she came back to me. "Are you sure?" She asked. "Yes, I'm fine."

"Okay." And she walked away again. She stopped and walked right back to me. "We don't have to do this if you don't want-" I cut her off and grabbed her shoulders. "I'm fine. I want to do this. Walk back over to me again and I'll snap your neck." She froze for a second and looked into my eyes. Then she blinked. "Ok then." And she walked away for good.

(An hour later)
"Ok you got your priorities straight, right?" Silene asked me. "I think?" She nodded and talked again. "Okay good cause we're leaving. Go get in the van and get in the back." I nodded my head and went outside.

I got my phone out and started scrolling through Instagram. I scrolled and saw the news pop up. Someone named Pedro Alonso (aka Berlin) popped up. It said he robbed a jewelry store. Interesting.

Silene came out and got into the car. She packed all of the bags and we drove off. "Ready to do this." She asked me. I nodded my head. "Ready."

I'm not really going to explain this heist because that would literally take FORVER. But what you need to know is that there were hostages, police, and you got over 20 million euros. (24,048,140 US dollars) and escaped successfully.

Yep this wasn't much but I'm going to try and post a lot tomorrow. I not, I will Wednesday!

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