Part thirteen

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(Your POV) flashback
Shit, I forgot I had school today! I walked over to my sisters room. "Um, Silene, can you take me to school?" I asked. "Nope, your not going, I'm taking you somewhere." I eyes widened. Yes! No school. "Ok, where are we going?" I asked. "You'll see. But go start my car." She handed me the keys. "Fine"

(5 minutes later)
"Okay, Y/N, let's go!" I hopped down the stairs. "I'm here." I said. We walked to the car. "So, what are we doing?" I asked. "I'm going to buy you some things." She said. "And what do you mean by that?" I questioned. "You'll see" she said.

A couple minutes later, we pulled up to a gun shop. "Ok, stay here. I'll be right back." And with that, she got out of the car. I'm still confused on what we're doing here. 10 minutes later, she came out with different types of guns. "Ok, here, I'm giving you some of these. This is if I'm ever gone, and you feel like killing mom and dad." I was confused on why she said that. "I don't care if you do that, just don't get caught. I don't have enough money for you, yet!" She said. "Yet?" I questioned. "Well, if I ever do a bank heist, and you're not in jail, we can do one together!" Seems fun. I nodded.

"Anyways, we're going to get a few more things." She started driving. We pulled up to a drug store. "Ok, I'm going to get some cigarettes, you want any?" She asked me. "Get me a pack!" I told her. A couple minutes later, she came back out. "Ok, here!" She gave them to me and I took one out. "Thanks!" I said. "Your welcome! Oh and, you know how to shoot a gun, right?" She asked me. "Yeah, you taught me before!" I said. "Right, forgot about that."

Ok, this is probably the last filler episode! I'll post more episodes tomorrow though

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