22 - Stun Gun

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Deku POV
I see the class slowly walking in a big group. Everything is going well. What's that? They are wearing gas masks. We can't use our old plan. I think Katchan saw it too. I hear a sound which sounds like a gun wich is being unlocked. I started whispering.
Deku: Is this a gun? What the fuck are you thinking? You're not going to shoot any of them, right?
Bakugou: Calm down it's just a stun gun. If you can't put them to sleep then I have to do it.
Hagakure: Hey guys, did you hear that? It sounded like whispering.
She pointed in our direction. SHIT SHE FOUND US!
Bakugou: Calm down! I can't see you but I can hear your heart. If it doesn't stop beating so fast, Jirou is going to be able to find us even faster.
Deku: And how am I supposed to do that?
Bakugou: Did you forget our training?
Right! Dad teached us how to easily turn or emotions of. I should use that.
Bakugou POV
Izu didn't say anything but his heart beat is slowing down. He's probably just concentrating. I learned faster when it's about emotions. Probably because I wanted the fear and the pain to stop. When Izu was being punished, he didn't turn his emotions of to stop the pain. He said that he deserves it and that his father knows what he's doing. That's the reason he has almost no traumas from our time with the villains while I can'teven cuss without panicking. Sometimes I'm afraid that he will join the league or that he already did that and now works as a UA-Traitor but a moment later I feel like he would never do that. He has the biggest sense of justice and the biggest wish to be a hero of every person I know but he changed a lot since the USJ.
I should stop thinking and turn my emotions of too. I have a mission to finnish and I will definitely not fail. I won against All for One. They are definitely weaker that him. I feel a hand on my shoulder and Izuku's breath in my ear.
Deku: Are you okay? You seem stressed too.
I hear no emotions in his voice but he still cares for me.
Bakugou: I'm fine. I just needed to turn my emotions of like you did. I can't be distracted while holding a gun in my hand.
Deku: Good decision. Shoot Jirou! She is to dangerous. She can hear everything and locate us. It's weird that she doesn't use her quirk.
Bakugou: There are to many other people. The only thing besides you are the heartbeats of our classmates. I think she has the same problem.
Deku: You're right. Now do what I told you to!
He can be very bossy when he doesn't have any emotions. It's usually scary but right now, I don't feel anything either wich makes it easier. I take the stun gun, aim at Jirou and shoot. When the narcotics start to work she falls to the ground and through a portal.
Deku: I teleported her into the cage. Now shoot the next person. I think Kirishima would be good. It's easier to shoot him now while he isn't using his quirk.
I aim again but this time I at Kirishima.
Kirishima POV
What just happened? Jirou fell to the ground but instead of hitting it, she fell through a portal made of purple mist.
Momo: I was right. He used the quirk. I hope Jirou is okay.
Kirishima: Don't worry! She is strong. She is probably in the cage. No need to worry.
I show her to thumbs up while feeling something painful in my neck. I start feeling dizzy and my vision is starting to get blurry.
Kirishima: Guys? Something's wrong. Mina sees that I'm about to fall and runs over to me.
Mina POV
Kirishima: Guys? Something's wrong.
I see him trembling. I run over to catch him but we ended up both falling and hitting the hard metal floor. WAIT, METAL? We're basically in a forest. Why metal? I look around realizing what happened.
I'm in the cage of Bakugou and Midoriya. Next to me are the unconscious Jirou and Kirishima. I tried to get out of the cage but the door was looked and everything wasn't reacting to my acid. After a few seconds of thinking I remembered the communication device in my ear so I used it to contact my class.
Mina: Hello? Can somebody hear me?
Sero: We can hear you. Where are you? Are you hurt? How are Jirou and Kiri?
Mina: We're all fine. Deku teleported us to their cage.
Momo: Can you see anything that helps us find you?
Mina: Yes. I see the entrance door. If you stand right infront of it, like if you would leave, go to the left. You'll find us.
Deku POV
They are able to talk to each other? Momo probably made something for them.
Deku: I think they know where our cage is. Let's go there and make sure that they don't free the others.
Bakugou: Okay, let's go!
We start heading to our cage. The others are walking in another direction. Maybe we are able to get there first. While walking we turn off our invisibility. It needs a lot of concentration to not turn visible. When we arrive Katchan shoots Mina so that she can't warn the class. Next I walk in to the cage using the quirk of Mario Togata. He's part of the Big Three and is able to walk through walls. I take their communication devices out of their ears and break them with my foot. That's the moment I hear the footsteps of or classmates. They are running but we were still faster. I take the key of the cage and give it to Katchan. He takes it and hides it in one of his many pockets.

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