34 - Awake

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Bakugou POV
It's Saturday morning wich means that I have no school. Usually I would sleep the whole day but I have to go to the league's base. I promised that I would visit them. After that I'll visit Izu in the hospital.
I slowly go to the bathroom to brush my teeth and dress in casual clothes. Now I have to eat something. While entering the kitchen I see Iida sitting on the table.
Bakugou: Can't sleep?
Iida: No.
Bakugou: I know we're not really friends or something but if you want to talk about your brother, I'll be there. I mean always except today and at night.
Iida: What are you doing today?
Bakugou: I'll visit some friends and then I'll visit Izu.
Iida: I should go. Maybe I'll be able to get some sleep.
Bakugou: Sleep well.
Iida: Thank you and you have fun with your friends!
Before he goes he turns around to me and puts on a forced smile. I can still see the pain in his eyes. He's blaiming himself. I finished my breakfast so I start to head to the league's base. It's one pm so I don't have to worry about them still sleeping but you never know.
I finally arrived. I go into the alleyway where the entrance to the bar is. I take out the key I got yesterday and unlocked the door. First I walk to the bar where Kurogiri is cleaning but he's alone there.
Bakugou: Hi Kurogiri!
Kurogiri: Hello Bakugou. Can I give you something to drink?
Bakugou: No. I just want to know where Toga and the others are.
Kurogiri: They're in the living room. If you go out the door turn left. The fourth door to your right leads to them.
Bakugou: Thank you Kuro!
I wave while walking of to the room where Toga and the others are. I open the door without knocking wich was a good decision. I find them all tangled up in eachother and sleeping. Dabi and Shigaraki are sitting next to eachother with their heads lying on eachothers shoulders. Twice lies with his head in Dabi's lap with Toga in his arms. I take out my phone and take a few pictures before realizing that they have their phones with them. I take a few steps back to prevent them hitting me or throwing knives or burning me to ash. Next I sent all the fifteen pictures I took into our group chat. Four different phones ringing fifteen times creates a perfect chaos. Dabi jumps up wich makes Twice and Toga fall to the ground and Shigaraki gets into a fighting stance. Now they're all awake.
Bakugou: Morning!
Twice: Why did you wake us up?
Bakugou: It's almost two pm and I want to hang out with you.
Toga: Two pm?
Bakugou: Yes! Now wake up! I don't have the whole day!
Twice: Why? It's weekend! No school!
Bakugou: Did you forget that my boyfriend is in the hospital?
Twice: Oh. You're right I forgot about that. Sorry.
Then Toga stands up and hugs my weist. She's So small! Or am I tall? I don't know but she looks somehow angry. Oh god! I know what's about to happen!
Twice: NO HE'S MINE!
Twice pulls her away from me and hugs me by himself.
Twice: FUCK OF!
I look to Shigaraki and Dabi searching for help but they only look and their phone. They're probably looking at the pictures I sent. Toga was able to pull Twice away from me and I took the opportunity. While Toga was on her way to hug me again, I lift her up and put her in Twice's arms. They both took a few seconds to process what I did but I think they remembered that they're friends. They hug eachother and lay back on the couch. I look to Shigaraki and Dabi. They look at me like they also need to process what happened.
Bakugou: What?
Shigaraki and Dabi: How did you do that?
Bakugou: They're best friends but they're sometimes forgetting it. You just have to remember them that they love eachother. The same happenes with Kaminari and Kirishima sometimes. If you life in dorms, you can learn a lot of cool things.
Dabi: Oh.
Shigaraki: I never had a childhood where I went to a normal school. I guess I had no chance to learn things like that.
Dabi: I didn't have a childhood either but I went to school.
Bakugou: Did I remember that right? Dabi, you had to train with your father Endeavor who basically tortured you until you ran away and Shigaraki, you killed your whole family when you got your quirk and pannicked. Then All for One found you and started training you so you could become his successor.
Dabi: Not bad.
Shigaraki: Yeah. Toga and Twice took months to learn this.
Toga and Twice: Learn what?
Bakugou: Their dramatic past.
Toga and Twice: You think we learned that?
They start to throw knives and punches against eachother. Shigaraki comes to me so he would get hit.
Bakugou: Does this happen often?
Shigaraki: Sometimes. How about we part them. I take Dabi to the bar and you keep Toga and Twice here. If they won't see eachother they'll forget what happened.
Bakugou: Okay.
I take Twice in my arms and throw Toga over my shoulder while Shigaraki knocks Dabi out and leaves the room. As soon as he's outside I lock the door and set them down.
Bakugou: Really? You have this little ball of friends and you still try to kill them. Two times.
Toga and Twice: Sorry.
Toga: But without Dabi I can't make my hair without Dabi.
Bakugou: I'll do it.
Toga: Really!?
Twice: You know how to do it?
Bakugou: Yes. My dad is a hair stylist. I can handle your hair. Do you have a komb somewhere in this room?
She opens a box and gives it to me.
Toga: Yes! Here!
I look in it to find tons of hairspray, hair gel, combs, brushes, hair clips and hair bands.
Twice: It's from Toga and Dabi together.
I point to a chair.  
Bakugou: Toga, sit down there.
She sits down and turns her back in my direction. I start to brush hair hair and make two buns to create hair usual hairstyle.
Bakugou: I'm finished.
She runs to a mirror and looks at herself with amazement.
Toga: You did great! Thank you, Onii-San!
Bakugou: If you want me to let you go, you'll have to behave. Got that?
They nodd so unlock the door.
Toga: Let's go and do something together.
I just had to play games for atleast two hours with the league before Shigaraki feed me by saying that I should train my quirks. That was another two hours ago. Right now I'm in the hospital on my way to Izu. I enter his room and see something I didn't expect:
He's awake!
Bakugou: Izu?
Deku: Katchan!
I pull him in my arms.
Bakugou: Why didn't the hospital inform me about you being awake.
Deku: I just woke up. No one knows it. Now, what happened?
Bakugou: I lost control of my quirks while having a nightmare. You were right next to me and when I woke up I found you unconscious against a wall. I brought you to the hospital with together with Aizawa, Midnight, Recovery Girl and Allmight. You needed to be operated on and fell in a three day long coma. I need to go to a therapy every second day wich helps me with controlling my quirk.
Deku: Are you okay?
Bakugou: I just told you that you were in a coma and the first thing you ask is if I'M okay?
Deku: Yes. You lost control, hurt me, you were alone for three days and you have to go to a quirk therapy.
Bakugou: When you say it like this, it seems way more dramatic. But I'm fine. I found new friends because of this therapy. You should worry about Iida.
Deku: Why? What's wrong with him?
Bakugou: Yesterday a new villain introduced himself to the world by killing Iida's brother, Ingenium. The villain calls himself Ground Zero. He wants the fake heroes to die.
Deku: That sounds awful but what do you mean with fake heroes?
Bakugou: He says that heroes who work to get to become famous, rich and loved by everyone are fake.
Deku: That's not good.
Bakugou: I should tell the doctors that you're awake. I'll be right back. I love you.
Deku: I love you too, Katchan!
He smiles at me while I leave the room and go and search his doctor but I can't concentrate because right now I only have one thought:
How am I going to hide Izu who I am now?

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