26 - Explained

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Bakugou POV
That was so embarrassing! I cried infront of everyone. This made Aizawa worry so much that he sent me and Izu to the school therapist, Hound Dog. Izu is just there for emotional support. We have been told to wait a few minutes while Aizawa and Hound Dog talked about what had happened. When he finally enters the room, Izu smiles at him as friendly as always but I see fear and sadness in his eyes. Is it because about what happened in the classroom or what's going to happen now?
Hound Dog: Hello you two! How are you doing?
We looked at each other before Izu answers for both of us. He sounds very scary.
Deku: He just had a mental breakdown in class while I couldn't do anything. How do you think we feel?
Hound Dog: Yeah, that was a dumb question. What was it that made you feel so afraid?
Bakugou: While class Aizawa-Sensei gave everyone a list of things we are afraid of and rules that are coming with them. One of these fears was the fear of fire and electricity. Two of our classmates have quirks which use this powers. One of them asked why we're afraid of it so we had to explain it. It caused my mind to go back in time. I felt like I was back at the place I was tortured in. Aizawa was able to convince me that everything is fine and that I'm save. This happened once before when I had to explain why I'm so calm and not aggressive like I usually was.
Hound Dog: So this happens every time you need to talk about your time with the villains?
Bakugou: Yes.
Hound Dog: Then what about adding a rule to the list you were talking about: Nobody is allowed to ask something about the time they were kidnapped.
Bakugou: This would be a good idea but I think they should know what happened there so they're able to understand us.
Deku: They could just ask me.
Hound Dog: But your teacher said that you can't be in different rooms. How do you want to make your idea possible?
Deku: He could just wear headphones and listen to music loud enough for him to not hear anything around him.
Hound Dog: Bakugou, does this sound good?
Bakugou: Yes.
Hound Dog: Good I'll tell your teachers. You can now decide if you want to go back to class or to the dorms.
Bakugou: I'm good. We can go back to class.
Hound Dog nodded and Izu huge me tightly. I see him smiling at me.
Deku: That sounds good. I think my eyes are okay now. Could you please take it of?
He points at his face were the piece of fabric still covers his eyes. I open the blindfold and he opens his eyes but closing them right after.
Bakugou: Are you okay?
Deku: Yeah. I just need to adjust to the light.
Bakugou: Oh, okay. Let's go back. Thank you Hound Dog for your time.
He nodds and we walk back to our classroom. At the time we arrive Izu has finally opens his eyes and I knock at the big door with 1A written on it.
Aizawa: Come in!
We slowly enter. He looks suprised to see us back.
Aizawa: I thought you would go to the dorms after what happened.
Deku: Katchan said that he would be fine with going back to class.
Denki: What's wrong with you? You could have stayed home but you decided to go back to class? Again, what is wrong with you?
Deku: Silent! While talking with Hound Dog, we decided to add another rule to the list you got. If anyone wants to know something about what happened he can ask me but only if Katchan doesn't hear the question or the answer. You can ask anything at the dorms while Katchan is able to wear headphones or you can write the question down and I'll answer it written. You can do the same by texting me the question.
At the same moment Denki starts writing. He gives what he has written to Deku who reads it.
Denki Pov
That's perfect I really want to know the answer to my question so I start to write down:
Back at our training fight it looked like Bskugou used your quirk. How did he do that?
I give it to Deku and he reads it.
Deku: You're really good at noticing details and watching fights. I didn't knew that. Anyways, this question is not bond to any hurtful memories. I can say it loud. I think everyone should know it anyways.
Everyone looked at him with interest while Bakugou just sat there. He looks like he already knows the question.
Deku: The question Denki asked was why Katchan has my quirk.
Ochaco: Bakugou has Deku's quirk?
Momo: I didn't realize that?
Mina: Denki, this is the second time you realized something in a fight that no one else did. How do you do that?
Denki: I have seen kind of talent in this. Can you guys answer my question now?
Deku: Sure! I gave Bakugou my quirk with the help of All for One, the villain who kidnapped us, gave us the quirks Lion and Imagination and is also my father.
Denki: But WHY did you do that?
Deku: I didn't need it. With Imagination I can use every quirk I can imagine. This includes the quirk I had when I came to U.A.. Katchan was able to use my old quirk to make his own quirk stronger.
Denki: What do you mean with "make his own quirk stronger"?
But it only makes the strength I already have stronger. I can combine Izu's and my quirk to create a even stronger one.
Bakusquad: COOL!
Iida: That makes sense. You don't loose any strength but Bakugou wins strength.
They are so far ahead of everyone. How are we gonna win in any fight against them?

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