58 - Heroes

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Aizawa POV
We're finally saving them. We're finally saving my students.
Allmight: I AM HERE!!!
Allmight punches a hole into the wall of the league's base and Camui Woods traps the villains with his special move. I immediately stare at Bakugou to prevent him from freeing himself. My eyes fall on his eye which is covered into a deep scar. I don't think he sees with this eye anymore.
Bakugou: Hello Ereaser. Saw my eye? You sent me into a short coma and took half of my eyesight away. Not very hero like.
This kid is good at what he's doing. He's trying to get me to snap at him so that I close my eyes. Midnight covers him in her sleeping gas and he slowly looses consciousness.
Bakugou: Fuck you Sensei.
Allmight: Good job you three! It was surprisingly easy. The best villain in the world, captured in a few seconds. Woods, please bring them to the police. If they're not into anti quirk cells until they wake up, we're dead. The rest searches the kids with me. We'll stay together. There still could be another villain somewhere.
Aizawa: Let's get them back!
Midnight: I hope they're okay.
Midnight: Sorry.
We're walking through the halls until I hear something.
Midnight: Do you hear that? I think there's someone shouting!
Allmight: They're shouting "Help us!".
Aizawa: They are my students! I can hear Tenya's and Problem Child's voices.
We run in the sounds direction. We end near a huge door.
Aizawa: Students?
Students: Aizawa!
Allmight: Please go away from the wall. I'll destroy it.
Iida: Okay!
He waits a few seconds before sending a Detroit Smash into the wall. My students sit behind a bed in the far corner of the bed.
Deku, Kirishima and Denki: YOU'RE HERE!!
Allmight: Good to see y'all.
Midnight: And you seem to not be hurt. How grateful!
Momo: We're not harmed but we're not perfectly fine.
Allmight: What do you mean?
Deku: Bakugou is the successor of All for One and stole our quirks with it.
Teachers: HE DID WHAT!?
Iida: Don't let him hurt you!
Aizawa: He can't hurt us. We already captured him. He's on his way to Tartarus.
Deku: How?
Allmight: Surprise attack. He couldn't react fast enough. I already ereased his quirk and Camui Woods captured him. Allmight knocked him out and he got imprisoned in a quirk canceling cell so everything is fine.
Momo: That's good to hear.
Denki: But how are we going to attend U.A. without quirks?
Midnight: We'll find a way. For now let's get out of hear.
Aizawa: But one's missing! Where's Shoto?
Everyone looked down. The couples took eachothers hands for comfort.
Deku: He is the U.A. traitor and a part of the league. As far as I know, he's with Dabi right now. Dabi is his brother after all.
Midnight: He is?
Deku: Yes. Dabi's real name is Touya Todoroki.
Aizawa: That's good to know. Then we should definitely go. I wouldn't like being trapped into ice and fire.
Momo: Let's go!
Bakugou POV
I wake up unable to move. I open my eyes but the light is forcing me to shut them right after. I'm slowly getting my eyes used to the light. I look down on my body. I'm in a sitting position. I'm held on metal chair by shackles. It hurts a bit but I'm okay. I keep looking around. I see around ten guns pointed in my direction. I guess I'm in prison. I look to the front to see a glass window. On the other side is another room with only a chair in it. It's probably for police officers or pro heroes who question me and my visitors. Even if I doubt that I will get any visitors at all. Why would anyone be interested in a villain. In a corner is a camera. I look at it and it slightly moves. I guess I've been noticed. Just a minute later, the door to the room on the other side of the window opens and someone enters. It's Aizawa.
Aizawa: Hello problem child.
Bakugou: Ereaser. Where am I?
Aizawa: You're in Tartarus. These guns pointed to your head will shoot as soon as you try to use your quirk. Your healing quirks are to strong for them to kill you but they'll definitely hurt.
Bakugou: I won't try. What do you want here?
Aizawa: I want to make you an offer.
Bakugou: I'm listening.
Aizawa: U.A. offers a rehab program. You would go to U.A. again and learn as a student.
Bakugou: That sounds to good. What do I need to give up for it?
Aizawa: You'd be put in therapy, you'd have a strict daily structure, you'd not go anywhere without a supervisor, you'd have to wear quirk canceling cuffs outside of training and you'd have to give the quirks of my students you took back. For Midoriya not Imagination but One for All. You would still learn in 1-A but you wouldn't become a hero but something like a secret agent. Everyone from this rehab program becomes an agent like that. This way you'd be under supervision the whole time but still would save people. To the world you'd be famous as underground heroes like me. You'd have to change your name and your appearance, also for school but that shouldn't be very hard with your Transformation quirk.
Bakugou: That still sounds good. I'm not against it. If I'd get to be a hero, I'd rather be an underground hero anyway. And with therapy I wouldn't think about killing as soon as I see a hero. Why would I say no? The only negative things are that I'm not able to do something on my own and that I'll have to see my old friends again. They probably all hate me now.
Aizawa: They don't. Of course they're a bit afraid but they still see you as the person you were. After Midoriya told them everything about the mind control and the later coming change of mind, they all decided to still love you.
Bakugou: They do?
Aizawa: No one's mad at you. The rehab program is your chance to prove them that they're right. Also this supervision thing, three other students are enough to count as supervision.
Bakugou: Okay. I'm in.
Aizawa: That's good to hear. I'm happy to be able to call you my students again I'll talk to the police and to Nezu to get you out of here. Also you're not the only villain who attends U.A. now.
Bakugou: I'm not?
Aizawa: No. Himiko Toga agreed to the same deal. She'll go to 1-A too. She'll replace Todoroki. Before you'll get out of here, your parents are here. I already explained the rehab program to them. Your mother is scary. I think that your father thinks so too. Can I send them in?
Bakugou: Yes.
He opens the door and walks out while two other people walked in.
Bakugou: Hi.
Masaru: I think what she wants to say is "Why did you do all of this?". You ended up in the prison with the best security in the world.
Bakugou: Okay I'll explain it. Please listen before you shout at me. Okay?
Masaru: Sure.
Mitsuki: Fine.
Aizawa: 'You ready?
We stand infront of 1-A's dorm building. Nezu already went inside to explain everything. Right now I'm wearing handcuffs which hold my hands behind my back and erease my quirk. The same counts for Toga who is right beside me.
Toga: I'm good and exited!
Bakugou: Yeah. I'm ready.
He nodds before walking to the door and entering, me following right behind. The whole class besides Izu gasp after seeing me. I don't know if they're shocked about the handcuffs or the big scar across my now blind eye. It could also be because of Toga. Or maybe they're just scared?
Aizawa steps behind me and takes out the keys to open the cuffs. He does the same with Toga's. They're not gone. They're now like bangles that still disable our quirks. We're just able to move our hands freely.
Nezu: We're going to go now. Be nice to each other. The villains are trying to be heroes and you know why you two have to be careful.
Bakugou and Toga: Yeah.
Toga: As long as no one gives me a knife, no one will get hurt.
Aizawa: Heard that? No knives or sicors for them!
Class 1-A: Okay.
The two adults leave and we're left behind.
Bakugou: Hi. I want to apologize to you. Especially to Iida, Ochaco, Tsuyu, Momo, Jirou, Denki, Kirishima, Shinsou and Izu of course. Aizawa said that I'll have to give you your quirks tomorrow so you don't have to worry about being quirkless anymore.
Momo: We're okay, don't worry!
Jirou: It was a bit weird without my quirk tough.
Iida: I know what you mean. But I'm not mad either.
Deku: How could I be mad? I love you way to much to hate you!
He jumps at me and kisses me.
Bakugou: I love you too.
Ochaco: Now we have to welcome the other one too!
Girls: Hi Toga!
Toga: Hiiiii!
Mina: We really needed another girl in this class. Plus you're super cute!
Toga: You think so?
Mina: Do you want a girls sleepover?
Toga: Yeay!
The girls walk off.
Denki: We won't be seeing them again today.
Kirishima: Midobro. I know you love him but I want to hug him too!
Deku: Oh sorry Kiri!
Deku releases me from his hug and Kirishima pulls me into one.
Kirishima: I missed you Bakubro!
Bakugou: I missed you too Kiri.
Sero: Hey guys, if the girls do their sleepover we should have one too!
Deku, Denki and Kirishima: Yeay!
Kirishima: What do you think Bakubro?
Bakugou: Sure. Let's have the best sleepover ever!

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