33 - Introduced To The World

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Bakugou POV
I'm on my way back to the dorms. I've been with the villains for about twenty minutes but I already know everything about them. Including their quirks, their whole life stories, why they became villains, how many people they killed and their phone numbers. We even have a group chat with Toga, Twice, Dabi, Shigaraki and me now. These villains speak very fast. Especially Toga who decided that I'm her big brother now. She never had someone who apreciated her. Well until she met the league. They are her family now. I always thought villains where just evil monsters but they aren't. They just think a little different than other people but they're still humans with feelings and hopes. Maybe I could life with beeing a villain but right now I have to be a hero.
While entering I hear some muffled sobbs coming from the common room. I reach the room and see Iida crying.
Bakugou: What happened?
Kirishima: Bakubro! You're back! Iida just got a call from his brother's hero agency. They said that his brother Ingenium didn't come back from patrol and he doesn't responde to calls. They say that he's probably dead.
Oh right! I killed his brother. I almost forgot about that.
Bakugou: I know it'll only hurt more but you should turn on the TV. If they'll search him they probably show it in the news. Maybe they'll find him alive. This would be the fastest way to find out what happened.
Iida: You're right. I have to find out what happened.
He wipes his tears away while turning the TV on. The news is already showing what's happening.
Reporter: The pro hero Ingenium is missing! This is what his hero agency told us. Thanks to a civilian we know that there was a villain attack. She was threatened but as soon as the pro hero came, he let her go. This leads to the conclousion that the villains only goal was a fight with Ingenium.
The police officers in the TV are starting to run. Something happened. A few seconds later there are two police officers carrying something hidden under a white blanket. It's a human. Iida starts crying harder while a police officer comes to the reporter. The officer is holding the letter I left.
Reporter: Hello sir! What or better who was that?
Officer: This was the pro hero Ingenium. He was found dead in an alleyway. This letter was found with him. It is from the villain who killed him. It is directed to everyone in Japan or maybe everyone in the world.
Then he opened the letter and starts reading:

Dear people,
You know heroes as a symbol of peace, hope and protection but not every hero is fighting to stop villains and protect incontinent people. Instead most of them are heroes to become famous, rich and loved by everyone.
My goal is to change that. I want heroes to be what they where before it became a good payed job. I'll wipe these fake heroes out. I'll never hurt anyone except those who deserve it.
My first hero was Ingenium or Tensei Iida. You'll hear from me again.
Ground Zero

Officer: Then it's official. We have a new villain, The Hero Killer: Ground Zero. Ground Zero, if you're watching this, prepare yourself! You can't decide whether a hero is real or not! They all save lives! We'll stop you!
I hope not. Else I couldn't see Izu, my classmates and my new villain friends. No one will ever take me away from them. Especially not some wannabee heroes.
Kirishima: BAKUBRO!? Are you in there? He waves his hand in front of my face.
Bakugou: Yeah.
The Dekusquad isn't here anymore. They probably left to take care of Iida without Denki and his sarcastic comments. He always starts to joke around when he's nervous.
Denki: You were somewhere else with your mind. It was very scary how you death stared the TV. Wait! Did you clawed in the couch?
I look at my hands. I buried my claws inside the leather of the couch. I pull them out and sigh.
Bakugou: If I go to Aizawa and tell him that we need a new couch he'll kill us. This would be the second time this week.
Last time Todoroki got angry and burnt it down.
Denki: You're right.
Sero: We have to do find another solution!
Momo: I could sew it. It wouldn't be as beautiful as before but still better than dying because of Aizawa-Sensei.
Bakugou: Sounds good. Do that! I need to go to my room. I'm tired.
Class 1A (excluding the Dekusquad): Good night Bakugou!
They got used to me sleeping a lot. I go to bed early and wake up only short before school. Sometimes I'm eating on my way to school because I had no time to eat at the dorms. Izu always wakes up early and helps Iida and Sero to wake up the other classmates. Most of them don't even have a alarm clock. I don't have one either. Izu wakes me up every morning but he's in a coma! I need an alarm clock. I'm already near my room when I take out my phone and set an alarm. Then I see that I have new messages. While entering the door I look what the messages are. They're all from the league. I decided to text with them before going to bed.
Toga: Did you see the news?
Shigaraki: No. Why would I?
Toga: They talked about Onii-San!
Dabi: Do you mean Katsuki?
Toga: Yes!
Twice: What were they talking about particularly?
Bakugou: They found the body of the hero I killed and read the letter I left there to introduce myself and my goal. And that they would catch me. But this isn't going to happen!
Toga: Yeah! Onii-San is way to strong to be catched by heroes!
Twice: Yeah! He managed to win against him whit ease. I bet that he'll manage to do that again, even if the enemy is stronger than the hero he killed today.
Dabi: Katsuki, isn't his brother in your class? How is he?
Bakugou: Yes he is. His name is Iida. He locked himself amd his friends in a room and they're crying until one falls asleep. I wouldn't be surprised if they would come out of the same room tomorrow.
Shigaraki: Sounds annoying!
Toga: Why aren't they eating ice cream?
Dabi: Why ice cream?
Dabi: Oh.
Bakugou: It doesn't solve the problem it just distracts you from it.
Twice: Oh.
Toga: You're so wise Onii-San!
Bakugou: I think that it still helps. Atleast for some time.
Twice: Sounds like a plan! What are you guys doing for the rest of the day? I'm watching a movie.
Shigaraki: I'll play video games.
Toga: I'm also watching a movie. Twice, how about we're watching one together?
Twice: Sounds good! I'm on my way!
Toga: Cool!
Dabi: Can I come too? I'm bored.
Toga: Sure!
Twice: The more the merrier! Katsuki what are you doing?
Bakugou: I'm going to go to bed.
Toga: Isn't it a bit early to sleep.
Bakugou: Usually yes but I have my reasons. First, I have school tomorrow and second, my quirk gives me the personality of a lion wich is a big cat and cats like sleep.
Toga: Oh. Good night Onii-San!
Twice: Good night!
Dabi: Sleep well.
Shigaraki: Night.
Bakugou: Thanks. I'll probably visit you tomorrow. See yah!
I can sleep. Finally!
A double life is hard.

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