52 - Knife

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Bakugou POV
I wake up next to Izu. I must have fallen asleep while cuddling. I stand up and look at the clock. It's seven pm. I slept the whole day through? I hear steps infront of my door. I open it and find Shigaraki who was just about to knock.
Bakugou: What's wrong?
Shigaraki: Sensei wants to talk to you in your costume. It seems that you'll have a mission tonight.
Bakugou: I'll be on my way. Give me a second.
Shigaraki: Hurry. No one wants Sensei angry.
Bakugou: Sure.
I close the door and change. I hear some ruffles coming from the bed.
Deku: Katchan?
Bakugou: Hello Izu.
Deku: Why is your hair so different?
Bakugou: I have to go on a mission.
Deku: So you'll kill a hero.
Bakugou: I don't know what I'm going to do but probably yes.
Deku: Oh. Be careful.
Bakugou: I will. I'll see you later.
Deku: Bye.
I make my way to Midoriya-Sensei.
Bakugou: Hello Sensei.
All for One: Hello you too. How's Izu?
Bakugou: Okay, I guess. He doesn't feel so good with this whole killing thing but it could be worse.
All for One: That's good to hear. You don't have to kill someone today. You just have to make a little trouble.
Bakugou: What is my mission?
Bakugou: Break into U.A. and make your classmates and teachers afraid of you while also collecting some stuff from your and Izu's room. Here're the details. You'll leave in ten minutes. Collect some weapons and bags from your room. Don't you dare fail!
Bakugou: Don't worry I never fail.
Sensei gives me a file and gestures me to leave.
I go back to my room while reading the file. Izu sits on the bed and has a questioning look.
Deku: I thought you wanted to go.
Bakugou: Hi Izu. I'm just here to collect some stuff I'll need.
Deku: Okay. Did you find out what you'll do?
Bakugou: Yes. I won't kill someone. Don't worry. I'll tell you about my mission when I'm done. I have to leave soon.
Deku: Oh okay. Have fun, I guess.
After collecting everything, I kiss him on the forehead.
Bakugou: I love you Izu.
Deku: I love you too Katchan.
I leave and head to the bar where Kurogiri waits.
Kurogiri: Hello Bakugou. I'm supposed to teleport you. Where in U.A. do you want to be?
Bakugou: The roof of the 1-A dorms. I'll get back by myself.
Kurogiri opens the portal. I walk through and end up on the roof. I climb down the wall without being noticed. I take a knife to open Izu's window. I sneak in and collect some of Izu's clothes and his Notebooks. Next I climb out of the window again and do the same thing with my room. I also grab my little black kitten Raven. She seems to have missed me a lot. I put her in the bag, carefully so she won't get hurt. Just when I was about to leave, sirens go off. Damn it! What now? I change my hair back to the normal blonde and spiky. The door busts open and Aizawa stands infront of me. I guess I won't be able to go without a fight.
Aizawa POV
Aizawa: Damn it Problem Child! So you are Ground Zero. I hoped that Midoriya was wrong. I still hope that you can be a hero again.
Bakugou: You still have hope for me after I killed dozens of heroes? What is wrong with you?
Aizawa: That's just how a hero thinks.
Bakugou: So that's why I don't understand it. Villains only believe in them selves not into some weird dream. You won't save me.
Aizawa: Then atleast let me safe Midoriya.
Bakugou: I will never let him go. He's mine. You won't take him away from me.
He really means what he's saying. He's a Yandare who'll protect Midoriya. The thing he'll loose is his humanity or is it already lost?
Bakugou: What? You're going to just stand there and think about saving us or will you fight? You're lucky. I don't feel bad towards you. I won't kill you.
He throws something at me. It's a blanket? He files it with knives to the wall. I can't see anything especially not him which means my quirk isn't activated anymore. I'm able to free myself and throw one of the knives in his direction. I hit him but he still leaves through a portal.
Deku POV
I'm sitting in Katchan's bed reading a book as a portal appears in the middle of the room. Katchan falls down to the ground holding his chest. He's bleeding!
Deku: Katchan? What happened?
Bakugou: Aizawa hit me with a knive.
Deku: What can I do to help?
Bakugou: Right back pocket.
He can barely talk. How is he not dead or atleast unconscious? I grab into said pocket just to find a key.
Bakugou: I'm going to give you commands. Follow them to save me!
Deku: Okay.
I try to lift him but my strength replied on my quirk a lot. I'm still strong but not strong enough. Instead I lay his arm around my head and support him by holding his waist. I unlock the door and he starts giving me directions. After about ten turns a big metal door blocks the way. I knock on it and someone opens. It's the doctor Ujiko.
Deku: Help. Please.
Ujiko: Oh god. Katsuki.
Deku: A pro hero threw one of his own knives at him. He lost a lot of blood and is barely councisous. Please safe him.
Ujiko: Don't cry Izuku. He has a healing quirk. It will possibly take a while but he'll heal. Didn't you say that he only has a knife in his chest?
Deku: Yes I did.
Ujiko: That's not true. The knife was destroyed. A splinter hit his eye. I don't think he can still use it. When he'll wake up, he'll be half blind.
Deku: Oh no.
Ujiko: Please sit down here.
He points to a chair next to Katchan's bed where I sit down. I flinch when cold metal touches my skin. He's handcuffing me to the bed.
Ujiko: Sorry about that but you're not trustworthy enough. I have to make sure that you don't run away. Both All for Ones told me that and they're the leaders so I have to obey.
Deku: You mean Katchan and dad, right?
Ujiko: Yes. Speaking of him, hello Sir.
All for One: Hello doctor. Hello dear son.
Deku: Hello dad.
All for One: How's my successor?
Ujiko: Okay. It's not really good but not to bad. The main wound will heal but his eye got damaged. He probably won't be able to see with it again.
All for One: That's sad but okay like you said. He's good with his other senses and he still has the other eye. He'll be fine. Don't worry Izuku.
Deku: Thank you dad.
Bakugou POV
I try to open my eyes but they're bandaged. I can feel that my injuries are healed so I take off the bandage around my head. I look around to see that I'm still in Ujiko's lab. That's weird. I have both my eyes open but I can only see with one. I use my hand and lay it over one of my eyes first my left eye, then my right eye. My left eye is completely blind. I wonder how this happened. I have more bandages around my chest which I also take off. I have a big scar right next to my heart. I want to stand up but the big metal door opens and doctor Ujiko enters.
Ujiko: Bakugou, you're awake? Since when?
Bakugou: Since less than a minute. Why can't I see on one eye?
Ujiko: The knife thrown at you was broken. One splatter hot your eye. It also left a big scar around it. Everything else is fine. So you can leave now.
He passes me a shirt which I immediately put on.
Ujiko: Here's your room key. I took it and brought your boyfriend food and water.
Bakugou: Wasn't he allowed to see me?
Ujiko: He was allowed to visit but he had to be handcuffed to the bed so he didn't do it very often.
Bakugou: How long was I unconscious?
Ujiko: Four days.
Four days? That's a lot.
Bakugou: I'll go then. Could you tell Sensei that I'm awake?
He nodds so I leave and go to see my Izu again. I knock on the door before unlocking and entering.
Deku: Katchan?
Bakugou: Hi there. I'm back.
He starts to smile brightly and jumps into my arms. I can feel tears coming from his eyes on my chest where he buries his face.
Deku: I'm so glad that you're okay! I was so afraid! You look scary though.
Bakugou: I look scary?
Deku: Yes! Haven't you seen your face?
Bakugou: No.
I go over to a mirror and look in my face. I trace the large scar that extends across my face with my finger. It's deep and dark. My eye is grey now. It looks a bit like mist hides it from the world.
Deku: Do you think Im right?
Bakugou: Yes. I do look scary.
Deku: I have to do something else now please look at me. I turn around and look him in the eyes. He then slaps me on the cheek.
Bakugou: What was that for?
Deku: You promised that you'd be careful and then you get yourself so bad injured that you are unconscious for four days!
Bakugou: Sorry.
Deku: Anyway, you should go to your friends now. They haven't seen you either. I'm okay with giving a few minutes to them but come back right after. I miss our cuddles.
Bakugou: Okay. I'll see you!

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