~Chapter 3~

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"It's a dream. It's a dream. it's a dream." I kept saying to myself while closing my eyes shut and hoping to be back in my body and in my room once I opened them.

But it didn't happen.

I couldn't stop thinking about my original body; was it still at my house? Was I sleeping? And suddenly, it hits me.

If I'm in Hyunjin's body, Is Hyunjin inside my body?

"Oh my god" I said out loud; if he woke up in my body, it meant he recognized me for sure this time. Why is this happening? I need to go back to my body, I have to find Hyunjin.

I tried to calm mylsef down and get ready for school somehow. I went to take a shower, luckily I didn't have to go out from the room. I prepared the school uniform before showering, and prepared mentally for what was going to happen next.

I took off my clothes, keeping my sight up, I mean I'm not looking at it, I refuse; and went in the shower. This was pure torture, and I ended up seeing it, unfortunately.

"Uh...dad?" I asked the man, assuming he was his dad, once I got ready to leave.

"Dad? You don't call me that since middle school. What's wrong with you?" The man frowned.

Damn it. I'm screwing it up. I just have no idea how to act like him, I don't know him at all, I have no idea how to act or behave like him.

"Uh yeah that's right. Sorry." I said. "Is school... close?" I asked him. I know it's a stupid weird question, but I had to know. I always walk to school, but that's because it's close to my house.

"What is wrong with you today?" The man asked angry. "If you hate me that much to walk by yourself to school, then please do, I'm not stopping you. It's a 20 minute walk."

Hate him? Why would his dad say something like that? Does Hyunjin have a bad relationship with him? I haven't seen his mom either, and I better not ask. 

"I'll walk to school, thanks dad." I said. The man widened his eyes at the sentence; Hyunjin probably doesn't talk like this to his father. Who knows what happened for them to act like this. 

20 minutes wasn't far, my house was 20 minutes away from school too. I made my way to what I assumed it was the door. I didn't expect what I saw next.

This is my neighborhood. I looked at my hands, in case I magically appeared again in my body, since it looked almost the same as my house view, but no luck, I was still Hyunjin.

As I kept walking, the neighborhood got more familiar. My neighborhood was extremely big, it had about 45 houses around; my house was at the beginning of it, house #6.

Eventually, I got to my house. Hyunjin even lives in the same neighborhood and I never noticed, luckily. I'm not interested in him at all, and of course he doesn't know where I live or who I am. Well, untill now of course. I walked closer to my house, but I could tell there was nobody in. My parents weren't there anymore, as garage was empty, and there was no sign of me, or my body I should say.

I have to find Hyunjin.

Hyunjin's POV:

I woke up to a noisy alarm, stretching my arm to grab my phone and turn it off. I never set alarms in the morning, that's weird; I can wake up easily without it. I grabbed the phone to check what time was it, my eyes still heavy from my sleep.

I look at the phone and frown. This is not my phone. I forced opened my eyes, only to see an unknown surrounding. I stood up with my eyes now fully open, and wandered around the room, what's going on?

I heard a knock at the door, and just froze. A woman pokes her head inside and smiles when she sees me.

"Good morning beautiful, how did you sleep?" She asked with a sweet tone. I just nodded weirdly.

"Breakfast is almost done Aeri, please get ready for school and come down to eat. Your father made bacon for you." She closed the door.

Who the hell is Aeri?

There was no bathroom inside this room, so I got out looking for it. This was a complete different house from mine, but somehow I knew where the bathroom was; I was completely confused.

I got to the bathroom, closed shut the door and went directly to the mirror. I widened my eyes at the image; I'm a girl. What the hell is going on?

I touched my face, or I should say her face? Very soft skin, her hands were very delicate, her hair was long, a bit curly, brown and healthy. She in general was beautiful I should say. I shrugged off all those thoughts, it wasn't the time to do so, I was inside a stranger's body, a girl's body.

It was inevitable, well, touching them while I showered, I didn't do it with any dirty thought, but I had to shower properly. This was so embarrassing.

"Do I walk to school today or do you guys take me?" I asked her parents while having breakfast. I hadn't had breakfast like this for a long time. Her parents frowned at my question, looking at each other and then at me.

"You always walk to school honey, but if you want, we can take you. Are you feeling well today?" The mom asked.

Was I too rude? I mean I'm not used to this kind of family mood. My house is more quiet, my mom is never around and my dad... I don't have the best relationship with him.

"I'm okay mom." That was something i wasn't used to say. "I'll walk to school as usual, thanks." I told

What school does she attend?

I got up to her room again and went into her closet looking for a school uniform. She had pretty clothes, I'm sure she looked cute with everything, even a school uniform.

I finally found it, it was a uniform from my school. She attended the same school I did, but I could swear I'd never seen her before; she did look kind of familiar, but I couldn't quite remember if I'd seen her or not. The school was way too big and there were hundreds of students, so it was kind of hard to tell.

I grabbed her backpack from the desk's chair, and noticed something odd.

On top of her desk, was a shell and a pearl. Not just any pearl, the pearl I found on the beach the other day, along with the shell that other girl dropped. What was my pearl doing here? I felt even more confused.

I had to find this Aeri girl and talk to her as soon as possible.

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