~Chapter 38~

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Hyunjin's POV:

More than one year.

It has been more than one year since I left, since I left her.

When I first came here, everything inside my head was chaos. I didn't know what to do, who to talk to, what to even think. I kept being told what do to here and there.

I got transferred right away to a new school, where I was supposed to just finish studies and graduate. They even made me change my name to "Samuel", people calling me that in school made me feel weird.

I made one or two friends during the time, but didn't really get close to them, anybody in general.

I didn't hear a word from Aeri, ever again. My father changed my number, deleting everything I had. Literally, I had zero contact with my friends in Korea, of course, including Aeri.

I never got to know if she graduated, what did she end up studying, if she was okay. I never got to know if she ended everything with the shell, or if she visited Sang Hoon afterwards.

I wanted to believe she did. That she accomplished everything she wanted after school and that she managed to return the shell to the sea.

As soon as I graduated, I was told to start visiting the new building, for me to start learning about everything that had to be done. I was really going to become a CEO eventually, I didn't even have to go to college.

I wasn't planning on staying here,

At least that's what I thought for the first months. Eventually, that changed too.

I had to live with my uncle, from my mother's. He told me everything he knew about her and her business here, and as time passed by, I convinced myself that it was better to stay, that was the right choice. My mother worked really hard for our business to open here, that's why she left to star with, and she did all this for me to run it.

As much as I missed Aeri, making my mom happy was my priority. If she wanted me to take the lead, for her sake, I had to.

Time passed, and I changed a lot.

Slowly, I was forgetting her, unintentionally.
"Mr. Hwang, miss Eunbi is here to see you."

"Let her in." I waved at the secretary. I know, it seems like I'm all grown up and old enough to be called "mr. Hwang", but I'm not. They just treat me that way here, although I've told them several times not to.

"You look handsome today." She said as she entered the room.

"Sorry I can't say the same to you."

"How rude of you." She pouted.

"Do you need anything?"

"I just wanted to invite you for lunch."

"I'm busy."

"Come on, baby, it won't hurt to leave office once."

"Okay first, stop calling me that, second, I can't leave, I'm working untill very late, so leave."

She walked to my desk and almost slammed her hands at it, making me look at her.

"Is this how you treat your future wife?"

I leaned forward, putting both elbows over te desk, challenging her.

"How much more are you keeping this little game? Hm? Listen to my words, you are not my wife, and never will be."

"Then how come we are still getting married?" She smirked.

"I have my own plans."

"I'm sure your late mother wouldn't want you to ruin her hard work, would she?"

I stood up, furious.

"You better measure your words, Eunbi. I won't be marrying you."

"Why are you so rude?" She chuckled .

"Why are you still here? Get out."

She finally left, I sighed. The truth is, I was still trying to learn more about the reason I had to "marry" her, to see if there was anything I could do to end the engagement without affecting my moms work. As long as I didn't find something, the wedding had to keep up. My life seriously sucks right now.

After some work, I headed to the apartment. I wasn't living anymore with my uncle, I moved alone.

As soon as I got home, I took a shower and changed to comfortable clothes. I threw myself on the bed, just resting from working all day.

I didn't have anything to do at night, so my plan was just to stay and watch some movies. Although I worked all day, it wasn't that much to feel completely drained, however, I did. I felt extremely tired. I checked the hour, it was 4:15 pm. I set an alarm just to wake me up from the nap, I didn't want to sleep that early.

Almost closing my eyes, her image appeared in my head, and quickly vanished; it even felt weird. I haven't thought about her since a while now, so her image was very random.

I fell asleep really fast, and as if I just closed my eyes, the alarm was already ringing. I felt awfully tired, and barely noticed it was quite dark now, with a bit of light. I grabbed my phone to turn off the alarm, and what I saw surprised me.

"5:00 am? AM? HUH?" I thought to myself. But something was weird.

I was still sleepy, so my eyes weren't fully opened, but it was enough to frown at what I was seeing.

My phone's wallpaper was... Aeri.

But she wasn't alone

It was her... and Minho, a selfie, really close to each other.

I shook my head, "I must be dreaming." I said, and with that, a familiar feeling invaded me, because this certainly isn't my voice.

I now fly off the bed, looking at my hands, my body. This can't be happening.

What the hell is going on? Did she not return the shell? Does this mean... that she woke up in my body?

This was going to be awfully troublesome.

Aeri's POV

"'No no no no no" I kept repeating to myself as I walked around the room.

I threw it away, I threw the shell away, this couldn't be possible, it just couldn't.

"I don't understand, I threw it to the sea! What's going on?" I was now talking to myself.

"And how on earth? I had the shell with me, in one piece." I sighed, walking now from side to side chewing my nails, well, his. "Does this means he woke up in my body too?"

"The only way for this to happen was if he had the other....half...." I paused my words as I got closer to the desk, because... there it was. His half, there it was in top of his desk.

This is bad.

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