~Chapter 9~

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I got ready and downstairs to have breakfast with my parents, I missed them so much, however, I couldn't act all hyped about it, they obviously weren't aware of the situation.

Just when I was sitting down to eat, I saw with the corner of my eye a shadow outside the window beside the door. Opened the door slowly, and there was Hyunjin.

"H-hey." He said, looking down.

"Why are you here so early? I chuckled.

"I just got ready a bit too fast." He looked at me from head to toes, realizing I didn't have my shoes on and had a napkin on my hand.

"But if you're not ready yet that's okay, I'll wait."

"What did you have for breakfast?" I asked him, afraid to know the answer.

"Uh, I'm not that hungry so I'll just eat a snack or somethi-"

"Wanna come in and have breakfast with us?"

He stopped for a second with his eyes wide open, before giggling.

"Sure. Thanks Aeri."

My parents were happy to see him again, to be honest, they loved him; except that they loved my imitation of what I thought he was like, so we don't really know him now in his body.

We had breakfast all together, he and my dad got along surprisingly well, and he was a gentleman towards my mom. I kept glancing at him while he didn't notice, and he looked really happy. I don't know how long has it been since he sat on a table full of people for breakfast. I found myself admiring his facial features and manners.

Back when I had his body, I didn't really look at him closely, and when I did, I didn't think of anything more than he was just a normal  face, but now that he's fully himself, I notice some things that actually make him kind of attractive.

What the hell are you thinking, Aeri? Stop it.

We made our way to school together, talking about how random we got our bodies back. We made it to each one's class; I didn't tell Minju I was back.

"Guess What?" I told her.

"Uh... you like Aeri?" She asked, thinking I was still him.


Minju looked at me for a few seconds, before realizing.

"Oh my god. It's you."

"It's me!" I hugged Minju, all happy about it. 

"Why did you say he likes me though?" I asked frowning.

"Just playing around, I swear." Minju shook her head.

Classes went by real quick I should say, and I couldn't complain. Hyunjin and his friends were back together, just walking and chilling through the corridors. His friends still flirted with every girl they saw, it kind of made me gag. Hyunjin tho, just walked with them, but never approached any girl.

I thought I'd see him at the school entrance like always, but he wasn't there. I just walked by myself back home.

"Hey honey!" My mom welcomed me in.

"Hi mom! How was work today?"

"Quite tiring I must say. Today I'm cooking something really good."

"You always cook really good things mom." I kissed her cheek.

"You father wanted honey crisp chicken with rice, so I'm making that."

"I'm already hungry just listening to you!" I grabbed my stomach.

"Why don't you invite Hyunjin? He lives close right?" My mom asked.  Should I really invite him? I wanted him to enjoy family-like moments, but I wasn't sure if I wanted him to come.

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