~Chapter 17~

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*One month later*

It was as if we never met, like everything was before switching bodies. It's been a month since the school trip, Hyunjin and I haven't changed, not once.

Part of me felt a relief actually, after that night, I seriously didn't want to talk to him anymore, but on the other hand, I was worried if this was getting silently worse, and we didn't notice.

I've seen Hyunjin several times around school, but we've not talked at all. I thought he would insist on talking to me about what happened, since he said "I got it wrong", but he didn't even try. So I guess he did use me and everything Minho said was true.

Félix kept going out with Minju, so I saw him often, but I avoided talking to him almost all the time, as I didn't want to let the smallest gap open between me and them, in general.

"How have you been feeling Aeri?" Minju asked me during class.

"I'm better, thanks. I'm just always tired."

"Aeri seriously, what are you going to do about it? This can't keep going, it's affecting your health"

"I know. But I don't know where to go or what to say. I can't go to the hospital because I'd end up locked down."

We remained silent for a minute, both thinking about it.

"I haven't changed with him for the last month, do you think it stopped?"  I asked her.

"I don't think so, You're tired every day. Aeri, I know it may still hurt, but you should talk to him. Just make things clear to him, tell him you're no longer interested that way, but you have to team up and both do something."

I hated so much when Minju was right, but she was.
Back at home, I kept scrolling through social media, since I finished homework early. My parents went out on business trip for the week, so it was just me. I was bored to hell, so decided to take a nap.

I put my phone down and closed my eyes, for a few seconds.

"Come back to me" I heard someone say. I immediately open my eyes, not moving a finger, to actually determine if I imagined it or not.

"Come back, it's time." This one was very clear. I flew off my bed, widening my eyes at what I was seeing. There was a woman in the doorway, wearing very old  clothes, like from the time of my grandparents, but she was young.

I blinked several times, trying to recognize her face.

"Who are you?"

"Tell him he needs to come back."


"Sang Hoon"

"Who i-" I stopped talking, as I finally got to see her face clearer.

She looked like me. I swear she looked like me, just a bit older, 30s maybe. I was petrified, my legs got weak, making me slowly go down. The woman pointed at me, and started to walk.

"Please tell him to come." 

I shut my eyes, covering my face. I felt a vibration, making me open my eyes again.

I was on my bed, laying down.  Was that a dream? What happened? The vibration kept going, untill I realized it was my phone ringing. I took it, it was Minju.

"Whatcha doing?" She asked

"Ah...Just chilling. Why?"

"Just wondering. I'm bored."

"You wanna come? My parents aren't home, and it's Friday, we can have like a sleepover."

"I'm too lazy to get up and get ready, but count on me tomorrow."

"Fine fine" I chuckled.

"Did you see what I sent you?" Minju asked me.

"No, where?"

"Text. Check it! I was scrolling through this page to buy something pretty and that caught my attention; it looks like the one you showed me the first day of school."

"I have no idea what you're talking about, but I'll check it." I laughed "let me just go to the bathroom. I think my period's coming today and I feel terrible."

"I'm sorry to hear that. Talk to you later then, bye!"

"Bye bye."

In deed my cramps were killing me, but my period wasn't showing, probably because of stress. I took the phone to check out what Minju told me, I was curious and cramps could wait.

I clicked at the link, redirecting me to a shop page.

It was the shell, the EXACT same shell. I ran to my closet, but my shell was there with its pearl. I then remembered, it had another half, and another pearl, but I lost both. The shell was in school, but the twin pearl was at the beach. I didnt know what was happening, but maybe that was a hint.

I checked the site selling this other shell, which was awfully expensive.

"Hwang Jewerly."


I called Minju immediately.

"So you saw the-"

"Give me Felix's number."



"Okay okay chill, what's wrong?"

"I can't explain right now, but it's important."

"Okay, I'm sending it right now. Please tell me as soon as you can, deal?"

"Deal! Thank you." I said, and hung up. I opened Minju's chat and tapped on Felix's contact, calling him.



"Who's this?"

"It's Aeri."

"Oh hey Aeri. What's going on?"

"I need you to help me with something, but please don't say anything."

"okay?"  He replied hesitant.

My cramps got worse and worse, and I felt the urge to go to the bathroom, but I had to ask Felix about this. Either way I was in my house so if anything I'd just change clothes.

"Do you know what does Hyunjin's dad do?"

"That's an odd question."

"Do you?" I urged.

"I think he sells things."

"What things?"

"Uh Jewerly? I'm not sure."

"Is it Hwang Jewerly?"

"Oh yeah, I think that's its name."

"Okay thanks!"

"Hey what-" I didn't even let him finish, when I hung up. I ran to my closet, took out the pearl and headed downstairs. I had to talk to Hyunjin, his dad couldn't sell that. That was probably our biggest hint now; I hated that I had to speak to him, but this was way more important.

Suddenly, dizziness hit me, and I know what that means.

"Please don't please don't please don't." I repeat to myself, with my eyes closed. I open them, hoping to still be in my room, but of course, I wasn't.

It was his room. 

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