~Chapter 42~

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Aeri's POV:

I was still breathing heavy. It was as if I had a nightmare, only that it was amazing. It's weird how real it felt, but looking back at it, it was too good to be true. The fact that Hyunjin was here out of nowhere, and that I lived close to the cliff, that couldn't be.

I wonder if I dreamt about Yulhee for a reason, or just because. Immediately, I grabbed my phone and opened notes, and wrote what she told me.

"Destiny" and "together"

If I remeber correctly, she first said destiny was waiting for me, and then she just said together, with no context. I wrote it in case I forgot about it or something.

Back to the actual dream, god. I shouldn't be dreaming about this stuff, it's pervert! But everything felt so real, and my heart raced every time I repeated the scenes in my head.

I could actually remember the feeling perfectly, how he felt.

I tried to shrug off the flashbacks, grabbing my phone and checking messages.

That made me remember that I agreed on meeting with Minho in my sleep, so just to make sure, I actually checked my messages.

I did have a message from him.

Hey Aeri~ Do you have time on Saturday? I wanted to see you sooner but I'm still doing some college paperworks.

Hey there! Yup Saturday sounds great! Don't worry, take your time.

Is there something or somewhere you want to go? Maybe for lunch?

Uhh...I saw there's a seafood restaurant downtown, we could go there!

Sounds great! See you then.

It's weird how in my dream Minho asked me almost the same...it has to mean something, everything that happened. There has to be a reason why Yulhee appeared in my dream, and I'm sure she's trying to tell me something.

Hyunjin's POV:

What the hell was that dream about? I was breathing uncontrollably, my heart racing by the second.

Did... did I just dream about...that? I couldn't be more confused, a lot of things happened, but the fact of having...intimacy with Aeri, and the way it felt so absolutely real, was driving me insane.

I dreamt that I went back to Korea, and for some reason walked on the beach as soon as I arrived. I noticed there was the cliff, so I started walking to it.

I then saw Sang Hoon, and he told me to hurry up, because my destiny depended on that, and then he just said "balance", out of nowhere. Next thing I knew, I found the rocks and there she was, it was like repeating the day we met, all over again, only this time she didn't ditch me.

We went to her apartment, which I didn't know it was close to that location, and talked about my marriage.

And then... we did it, just like that. I swear I can still remember how she felt. It was the weirdest dream, but I can't say I didn't enjoy it.
3 Days later:

I sighed heavily. Another day, another day here, another day probably having to deal with Eunbi, and on top of everything, today I'm meeting with my father. Even if it's just virtual, the thought of speaking with him bothers me.

Most importantly, another day without knowing anything abou Aeri. I seriously feel useless; and she hasn't contacted me at all, not even by letter.

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