~Chapter 20~

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"Park sang Tae" ?

"Did he say where he came from or something?"

Hyunjin asked his dad. He shrugged his shoulders; his unbothered mood annoyed the hell out of me, and of Hyunjin, I could tell. Thank god I didn't have to talk to him like at all while in Hyunjin's body.

"He didn't, and I couldn't care less. The only thing I can tell you is that he had accent, maybe from the country side."

Hyunjin and I looked at each other, it wasn't much, but it sure was another hint. We headed back to Hyunjin's room, his dad had one last statement to say.

"You do realize he's not giving you anything back? He paid $2000, probably his all life savings."

"I'll give him back the money." Hyunjin replied, making his father grin.

"You're not spending my money."

"No, I'm spending what mom sent me all these years."

"Whatever. You'll waste money and time."  He turned to leave, not without saying something unnecessary first.

"Please use protection with her."   My blood boiled

"Excuse me sir, but we're not-"

"Leave him, don't bother." Hyunjin whispered to me, pushing me with his hand on my back to his room.

"That was rude!"

"I know I k now, just don't mind that old man." We both sighed.

We sat on his bed, thinking about the only hint we had. We felt like time was running against us somehow, and we had to hurry up. After some thinking, I wondered about a small detail that popped in my head.

"If the country side has access to the beach, why would you spend money buying a shell you can pick up at the shore easily?" I questioned. Hyunjin shrugged.

"Obviously it means something to him, look at the amount of money he paid for a shell."

"The country side is quite big, how on earth will we reach for him? We should have put a gps to the shell." I joked, laughing out of frustration. Hyunjin raised his head, his eyes wide opened, brows up.

"What?" I asked.

"He must have signed some papers when he got to the building, everybody has to sign identity papers."


"Get there faster, you're smart." He said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes, thinking for a second.

"Oh, okay. With his identity info we can determine where exactly from the country side is he from."

"There it is. Come on, let's go."

"To where?" I stood up from the bed, as he did the same.

"To the building."

"It's 8:00 pm, it's late."

"We'll drive there."

"We don't have driver's lice-"

"I have one."

I wanted to keep questioning him, but we were in a rush for real, so I just nodded, grabbed my things and followed him.

We got to the building and headed straight to the reception, Hyunjin showed his ID and they let us in, he looked quite cool, I can't deny it.

"Oh young Hwang, it's nice to see you here." The girl from reception greeted him.

"It's nice to see you too." He smiled. Look at him, acting all cute.

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