~Chapter 60~ 🔞ish

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"Can we finally be together like normal people?" He held my hand while slowly making our way back to the shore. The water was gently coming back up again, covering each step behind us.

"I hope so, unless we wake up in each other's body once again." I joked.

"If we do, it's your fault for joking about it."

"I'm sorry" I chuckled. "But I really feel like it's done, I don't know why."

"I feel that too."

..."Although I do want us to wake up on each other"


"What?" He shrugged his shoulders.

"Why do you always make inappropriate jokes?"

"How is that inappropriate?" He giggled.

"You know how"

"I didn't mean it in that way, but now that you mention it..."

"Okay, goodbye" I let go of his hand and started walking a bit faster, trying my best to control my nervous laugh.

Eventually, he catched up to me, and we kept walking and chilling through the beach, just admiring the sunset and the breeze, feeling how the water covered our feet from time to time. After some minutes being silent, I shared a thought with him.

"You know what we should do?"

"What?" He turned to me.

"We should go to those places where they store people's names and info"

"What for?"

"To know more about what happened to those two after today. I know you know, but when Dong Hyun said that you and Sang Hoon being alive at the same time was impossible, I though-"

"That him and Sang Hoon couldn't be alive at the same time either, so considering Sang Hoon's birth year that means-"

"Dong Hyun probably passed away early." I sighed.

"Maybe not, maybe just as grumpy Sang Hoon and me were at the same time, maybe it was the same for them."

"We'll see. I also want to know what happened to their shop."

"Yeah, me too."

We got back to my apartment; I noticed how Hyunjin had been silent for a while now, maybe 5 minutes before arriving, and even while I was opening the door. I thought he was a bit overwhelmed by everything, just like me, so I just let him be.

I moved aside for him to go inside first, and as he did, I followed. Suddenly, as I entered, he closed the door abruptly from the back, with both his hands supported on each side, I felt his breath over my neck, giving me chills.

"W-what are you doing?" I asked, nervous. He turned me around to face him, his eyes were fierce.


I tried to look at him, but his gaze was intimidating. My eyes met his quickly, and then looked away, several times.

"About the dream..."

"We already discussed what happened."

"I know."


He didn't say a word, he just looked at me. Truth is, he didn't even have to say anything, I did know what he meant, what he wanted, I just didn't know how to deal with it properly.

It's true we did it "in a dream", which I believe it wasn't really a dream, but in reality, I actually hadn't done it before, so that made me nervous.

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