~Chapter 57~

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"And now we're here." Both Hyunjin and I finished our "story". Hana and Dong Hyun frowned from time to time after hearing things like Hyunjin's family and his attempt of marrying.

"Well... you two haven't lived that much, you have a huge future ahead of you." Hana smiled. "Do you have the pearls?"

"Yes" I replied as I took out of my pocket the shell with both pearls. They didn't seem to recognize the shell though, as they turned to each other frowning once again.

"So you found this inside a rock?"


"Was it sealed?"

"Uh, when I found it, the shell was kind of loosen, it wasn't neither closed nor opened."

"I see" Hana sighed. "Dong Hyun, what do you think?"

"I have no idea. Do you think these are the same?" He said as he held the pearl between his fingers.

"Y-you should leave it inside its place, it can switch you." Hyunjin added, but Dong Hyun giggled.

"We know how it works, take it easy. We still have to tell you What we know. Hana?" Dong Hyun turned to Hana for her to start talking.

"Okay, so, these two are actually called Jewels, or Tide Jewels, if you want it to sound fancier. There are a lot of tales and rumors about them, and their origin is kind of unknown."

"How did it get to you guys?" I asked.

"Well, first things first. Dong Hyun and I are childhood friends, our parents knew each other and lived nearby. However, five years ago, Dong Hyun was meant to marry someone else, just like Hyunjin."

"Is this something that's meant to happen in every story? Because Yulhee was supposed to marry another man too." Hyunjin wondered.

"Well, since it repeated before and after us, I guess it was meant to happen. Listen carefully, this is what we learned about the pearls.

As I was saying, it's origin is quite unknown. If you read about this, you'll find tales from ocean gods to Japanese emperors.

Back when we were 14, our families came her to visit and relax for a few days. We were having fun on the beach.  Dong Hyun found one pearl inside a rock, just like Aeri did; I found the other one while walking along the shore. At first we thought it was unbelievable we found two pearls the same day, but we didn't think they'd be from the same shell, which I think this is the one." She said as she observed the shell carefully.

"We didn't experience the body switching untill a few months went through, when Dong Hyun had to leave with his father to a work trip.

Before "falling in love" which either way I believe we already were, we thought it'd be nice to switch pearls to have something to remember us during Dong Hyun's absence."

"How long was he leaving?" Hyunjin questioned.

"About nine months, maybe a year? I don't remeber." Dong Hyun chuckled.

"Anyways, I think I do not have to describe to you what happened the day we switched, as I am certain you reacted the same. Unfortunately, we only had letters to comunicate with, unlike you, with those things you have there." Hana pointed at our cellphones. 

"So, Dong Hyun and I, had to just let it be and face unexpected switches here and there. However, as there wasn't much to do, at least for me, I used to read a lot, and I still enjoy it. My mother would always get me new books to read, about everything. That is when I read about the legend of the Tide Jewels.

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