~Chapter 24~ Long chapter (⚠️ish)

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"Park Sang Hoon and Moon Yulhee"

I read out loud.

"What about them?" Hyunjin asked, confused of my reaction.

"There's one thing I didn't tell you, but because I never would've imagined it to be relevant."

"What is it?"

"Yesterday, before all the body switch, I was napping, and I kind of had a nightmare, or that's what I thought it was, untill now."

Hyunjin nodded, paying attention.

"I've had it twice. That was the first, the second one was when you woke me up last night."

"What was it about?"

"Both times I saw a woman. She kept telling me to "tell him" to come back to her and other things."

"Tell who?"

"A guy named Sang Hoon."

Hyunjin understood what I meant, but before standing up he questioned me a bit more.

"Isn't this man named Sang Tae?"

"Yes, but maybe it's his brother or someone from his family. It's very unlikely for this name to be here and for me to see it."

"And you didn't say anything because?"

"Because I didn't think it'd be important. I seriously thought I was having weird dreams, but not that it had anything to do with the shell."

"If the woman was "speaking" to you, why were you screaming?"

"The first time she was calm, you can say. But last night she was angry, I started screaming because she ran to me, and it felt horrible, untill you woke me up" I said.

"You weren't asleep."


"When I came in, you were fully awake. Just not on your senses, but you weren't asleep."

"That means..."

"That it wasn't a nightmare, not even a dream. It was real."

"That's crazy."

"Switching bodies is also crazy and unbelievable but here we are." He chuckled, I did too.

"Come on" he stood up, helping me to do the same.

"What are you doing?" I questioned.

"I'm trying again."

Hyunjin made his way again to the old man's house and up the stairs to knock the door.


"Sir, do you know someone named Sang Hoon?" Hyunjin asked.

The man didn't answer, but as soon as Hyunjin was about to knock again, he spoke. Closer to the door, as his voice was clearer.

"Where do you know that name from?" He asked from the other side.

"Someone told my friend to find this person. Do you know him?"

The man seemed to hesitate for a few seconds to answer or not, untill he did.

"I don't know anybody named like that, go away." He said, this time, way more chill, as if he was unsure about our questions.

"We read that name on the tree, do you know if anyone in the village knows about it?"


Hyunjin lowered his head, feeling defeated. He didn't know what else to do, and the old man wasn't helping at all. At least we knew where the shell was, but it was still no help at all.

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