~Chapter 15~

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The kiss felt like forever.

I was aware I could now move, but I pretended I couldn't, just to keep kissing him. A while ago I wanted him as far from me as possible, and now I don't want to stop kissing him.

We slowly stopped, but didn't move. Our faces were still touching, he pecked my lips one more time, before looking at me. His brown eyes glowed beautifully, a small smile carved in his face.

"If you wanted to kiss me, you could have just told me."

"I didn't want to kiss you, I can't control what I'm doing." I lied.

"You're lying. That kiss didn't feel like you didnt want to."

"I'm not lying. I didn't want to kiss you, loser."

He chuckled, still hugging me.

"Well, I wanted to kiss you, a long time ago."

I moved my head back, surprised by his response. He did? Does he like me?

"See? You can move."

Damn it.

"Y-yeah now, but I swear I couldn't control what just happened." I tried separating from him, my embarrassment was too evident, but he held me tighter.

"Are you going to give me an answer?"

"I already told you I wasn't doing it-"

"Not that, idiot." He said

"What then?"

"The day I asked you if you liked me, but you didn't answer. I told I'd wait for your answer. Are you answering now?"

"I uh I don't uh I'm not-"

"Shall I make it easier for you?" He didn't even let me say anything, when he kissed me again. A soft gentle kiss, which melted my heart. I was a nervous mess, and I'm sure he felt my heart pounding. He moved back, not letting me go, but looking at me, desperate for my answer.

"If it helps in any way, I think I like you." He said, and my heart stopped.

"Why would you like me..."

"Why wouldn't I?"

"You're making a mess of me, Hwang Hyunjin."

"Is that a yes?" He giggled.

I sighed

"Yes, that's a yes. I do like you. Happy now?"

"More than you can imagine." He laughed, picking me up from my legs and spinning around like crazy. After 20 spins he finally put me down. I was happy, but felt awkward; how was I supposed to talk or treat him now?

"Ya lovebirds done?" We heard someone behind us, turning around only to see all the boys chuckling. Hyunjin just laughed with them, I wanted to throw myself in the lake out of embarrassment.

"Why would you pick such a non romantic location to make out?" Jisung said, pointing at our background.

"What do you mean, this view isn't that ba-" Hyunjin was saying while turning around, stopping at the sudden view.

"Where's the lake?" He asked. I turned around, and was as shocked as him. The lake wasn't there, and we were on the spot where I was following them.

"What lake?" Chan laughed. "There's no lake in this resort, it's all mountain and woods."

"There was a lake down here." I said.

"Spooky lady tricked you Aeri, you angered her" Minho joked.

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