~Chapter 14~

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After the campfire, the teachers gathered us around, we figured it was for the last activity of the day.

"Okay listen up everybody." One of the teachers raised the voice. "Last activity was supposed to be in the woods, following the trails. We had planned a game for you to play in groups, unfortunately, we've been told to cancel it."

Everybody whined and complained about it; seems like they all wanted to do it. I actually didn't care.

"They didn't tell us the reason, but we managed to get permission for tomorrow morning. So, the activity will be moving for tomorrow at 9:00 am. As for tonight, we'll give you some free time."

Now everybody was liking that idea even more. It was actually nice to spend some free time just chilling, this place is beautiful. I could sit and watch the stars all night long.

"Rules for tonight are simple." The teacher stated.

" 1. You must stay close to campfire. You can't absolutely NOT go into the woods, as we don't know what's going on, so just hang out around here.

2. If you're going for walks, please do in groups of 4 or 5, we don't want anyone getting lost.

3. Keep your phones on and with sound, in case of emergencies.
And lastly, BEHAVE." He said, it was obvious what he was talking about. There were two or three couples in total, so, we all got it, and laughed.

Minju and I sat near the woods' entrance, there were some comfortable benches. Everybody was actually just chilling around. Of course Hyunjin's group suggested to sneak into the woods, Minju and I said no.

After a while talking, we saw all the kids talking near the entrance, on the opposite direction of Minju and I. They waved at us, and started to walk inside. 

I stood up to walk towards them, but Minju stopped me.

"What are you doing? Leave them. We're not getting in trouble!"

"I'm not going in, I'm trying to stop them."

"Don't be the snitch of the group Aeri, they'll hate us." 

"It's not that, but I don't want teachers suspending the free time because of 8 dumbshits."

"Still, it's not our problem."

"Okay, but at least let me try stopping Hyunjin."


"If we switch bodies all of a sudden while he's in there I'm definitely getting lost."

Minju sighed. "Fine. But just Hyunjin. Let the rest be."


I walked in the woods, I located the marked trail, so I walked following the red marks, avoiding to turn on my phone's light, it'll be visible to teachers from outside.

"Hyunjin!" I called him. They were nowhere to be seen, which was odd, we were about 1 minute apart.

"Hyunjin! I called again. I heard their voices, but couldn't locate from where, the sound coming from everywhere. I turned on the light, finally, still following the red marks.

I finally saw Hyunjin and the boys walking outside the trail, of course, they had to disobey to be cooler.

"Guys! Wait! I yelled at them, but they didn't hear me.

"Damn it." I mumbled, following them through the trees to where they were walking. I kept walking for about 2 minutes, it was getting a lot colder, I could still hear their voices and saw them two or three times, but they didn't hear me at all. I stopped.

"Forget it, I'm leaving." I said, turning around.

I froze, as soon as I turned back. The place looked nothing like 2 minutes ago. It was completely different, which meant I probably got lost, but I could swear I was on the trail. I was near a lake, which I don't remember hearing anything about.

"Aeri?" I heard Hyunjin's voice. I looked everywhere, but couldn't locate him.

"Aeri, What are you doing?" I kept hearing. I walked forward to the lake, to turn around and see if I could see him from there, but I couldn't see him.

"Hyunjin?" I said, hoping he'd answer.

"Aeri! I'm here!" He raised his voice, so I finally located him. He was waving at me from the entrance of the woods. "What is this place?" He asked me.

I was about to walk to him, when I felt a piercing cold inside my body, and I couldn't move. I tried and tired but just couldn't.

"What are you doing? We should head back." He chuckled.

"I can't move." I said.

"Are you stupid?"

"Me? You're the one who sneaked here."

"Why would you follow us?"

"If we switched bodies I'd be screwed."

"You'd be with the guys." "Anyways, let's go, I don't want to actually get lost."

"I told you I can't move!" I was actually starting to get scared, I really couldn't move and didn't know what was going on. Hyunjin took a step forward, to come for me, when I started walking towards him, but I wasn't doing it, my body was literally walking by itself, straight towards him.

"See? You're lying." He giggled.

"I'm not doing it!!" I yelled, panicked. My body kept walking towards him, untill I was in front of him, face to face. My arms wrapped around his neck, I panicked even more.

"A-Aeri what are you doing?" He flinched nervously

"I can't control it I swear, walk away from me."

"Your grip is too strong!" He laughed nervously.

"Don't laugh! I'm serious!"

"Stop playing with me, what are you do-"

Unwittingly, my face reached his, making me kiss him. I kissed him. My heart was going to explode, although I wasn't doing it. I immediately felt my body warmer, and I noticed I could now move by myself.

But I didn't want to, and neither did Hyunjin.

He wrapped his arms around my waist, deepening the kiss, and I hugged him tighter. I'll just pretend I couldn't control that. I can't describe what I was feeling at the moment.

I do like him.

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