~Chapter 40~

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Hyunjin's POV:

I think that was the fastest switch we've ever had. It lasted about 4 hours.

Back in my body, I stand up from my bed, looking around to see if Aeri left something, anything.

On top of my desk, was the shell, which I asume is the other half, and a note. Without touching much the shell, I grab the note and read it.

In deed, Aeri wrote it.

I don't know why she keeps apologizing, it's not her fault. There's something weird with this, and we weren't the ones to blame. She also told me to write about basic stuff here just in case, which I did.

She didn't leave her number to contact her, nothing. Why? I mean I couldn't blame her if she hates me, but this is an important matter.

Any ways, I replied to her note.

Hey, Aeri. It has been a while indeed.

Listen, don't blame yourself, I know you did the right thing. Neither of us have any idea of what's going on, but we can figure it out. Let's do it together, once again.

Normally I just check papers at work. I'm still not in complete charge of anything, so you just have to read and sign, but don't worry, my uncle is always there guiding me, so that shouldn't be a problem.

Here's my phone number, please feel free to use my computer to email it to you or something. I'm sorry I lost all contact with you.

I wasn't counting on Aeri to forgive me for leaving, ever, but at least I wanted her to count on me for solving this.

I don't know why, but I should have gone with her to Incheon, to finish it together. I feel like that has something to do with it, I should've told my father to wait a bit more before making me leave.

Aeri's POV:

Okay... I can't let this get out of control, I have to do something.

I grabbed my phone and called Felix.


"It's happening again."



"I know, I immediately knew. Minho's sleeping, let's meet somewhere."

"Can you come to my apartment?"

"On my way."

After at least 20 minutes, Felix came. It would've been great if I could've shown him my place more chill, but it wasn't the case.

"Okay." He started. "Let's recap everything that happened."

"Right." I followed. "I had both parts before Hyunjin left, nothing happened with it for about 3 months, then, I threw them away here, and then 8 months passed without anything happening.

"After you returned them, what happened?"

"Nothing much. I found a structure going down the cliff where I threw them, I got in just to wander around and found a letter, which had the old man's name. It was from the girl, his girl. I took the letter and saved it. It belongs to Sang Hoon and I'm planning on returning it."

"You call that "nothing much"?" He sighed. "It has to be that letter!"

"Why would it? Its just a piece of paper."

"You should return it to where you found it or give it to the old man."

"If anything, I'd give it to Sang Hoon, but it's a long ass ride! That's why I haven't gone yet."

"Look, we still have 5 more days before college starts. Find some time to drive there and give that to him. If you want me to go with you, I'll go."

"You should better stay with Minho, he'll want to come if you don't."

"Ah... you're right." There was a small silence, but Felix broke it yet again.

"How are you and Hyunjin supposed to fix this? He's not even here."

"I'm still figuring that out."

"Well, you should at least comunicate by phone, untill you find a way."

"Yeah I don't think so."


"I wrote a note to him and left it on his desk, he'll reply there."

"I don't understand."

"I don't want him to have my number o me having his."

"What are you, five years old?"

"Very funny. But I don't want to have much to do with him. I just want to fix all of this and get my fucking normal life back."

"Right, and writing letters and checking them every time you guys Change is going to speed up things. Are you dumb?"

"You don't understa-"

"No, Aeri, listen to me." He said, very serious. "You have to put aside your grudge or whatever you have towards him and focus on fixing this mess, and you're not doing that fast by writing notes. You don't even know when are you guys changing again, so stop being a baby and find a way to either get his number or give him yours."

"I hate it when you or Minju are right, damn it."

3rd POV:

Both Aeri and Hyunjin were struggling when it came to talk to each other. They both had obstacles of their own.

Hyunjin went to sleep, leaving his note to Aeri on top of his desk, for her to read it next time they'd change.

Around 11pm, his phone started ringing, making him wake up and answer it, kind of grumpy. It was Eunbi.

"Sorry for the hour baby~"

"I already told you-"

"Yeah yeah I know. I just got you something I wanted to know if I could give it to you."

"Fine, take it tomorrow to the compa-"

"No, I meant right now."

"It's late. No."

"Please~ I promise I'll go."

Hyunjin sighed, defeated, she'd just keep insisting.

"Okay, I'll leave the door unlocked, come in, deliver what ever you have and leave. Lock the door when you do. Do not interrupt my sleep."

"You're so mean."

After about 25 minutes, Eunbi arrived. She opened the door, wanting to go directly to him, but she knew he'd just ditch her as always.

As she was about to put the box of snacks she bought  for him, she eyed the papers he had on top of the desk.

The notes from Aeri and Hyunjin.

"What's this..." she said angry, as she read everything. "What, are they sending letters? Didn't that slut disappear from his life?" She frowned. 

"That's fine." She whispered, "I'll just speed up things a little." Grabbing her phone and going out of his apartment, locking the door.

"Dad? I'm at Hyunjin's apartment, but I found something."

"What, princess?"

"He's messaging with that school girl he had, I think they might be seeing each other again."


"What do you mean so? We have to move."


"With the wedding." "You tell me what to do, but we have to make them separate." She said.

"It that's what you want, fine. We'll make it sooner."

"How much sooner?" She smirked.

"In two weeks."

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