B3: Chapter 12 - An Elegant Meeting with an Elegant God

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Chapter 12 – An Elegant Meeting with an Elegant God

After teleporting into her guest room, Ellie plopped onto her luxurious bed, burying into the soft blankets. She closed her eyes as sleep soon came, but oddly enough it didn't seem to last.

Getting up from the bed, she looked around at the completely empty space with no end in sight. She realized where she was.

The sound of someone attempting to hold in their laughter was soon discovered. Looking beside her, Ellie saw the usually elegant god of Darkness, slightly hunched over with a hand over his mouth, doing his best to hold in the giggles that escaped, and failing miserably. Eventually, he threw his head back as laughter reverberated across his whole being. He looked genuinely happy.

"I can't believe...! I can't believe....! Hahahah! I saw such a scene!" A table magically appeared for him to pound on with more intense laughter.

Ellie's brow slightly frowned in annoyance, "Are all gods attempting to destroy their images now?"

"Hey! How can you say that? Pfft! Hahahaha!" He turned around to angrily berate her, but he didn't sound angry at all as he burst into laughter once more, "Hahaha..." He wiped a tear from his beautifully shiny black eye, "How can you compare that thing to me? I bet I'm the most graceful being you have ever seen while laughing!"

He does have a point...Ahem.

Ellie quickly looked away, "Is it okay for you to call another god a 'thing'?"

The god of Darkness was now smiling mischievously at her, "I don't think any god can blame me after everything we saw."

"...All the gods saw that? How?"

Is my life TV for the gods now, or what?As far as I know, they aren't always watching everyone and everything.

Seeing her confused expression, the god's elegant features, that looked to be carved of pure marble, pulled up into an ever-elegant grin. He really does know how to do everything with class, no matter what, unlike a certain goddess.

"You are my Ciel, my representative. I can see and feel everything you experience. Even if I'm not watching in the moment, I can see it later."

So, my life is a DVD? Do the gods have mortal realm Netflix?

"That doesn't explain how everyone saw it."

"Because I showed it to them, of course! Hahaha! You should have seen their faces!" The beautiful god laughing looked more lively than normal, but it wasn't a bad look. His cheeks even seemed slightly flushed.


Ellie simply did not know what to say. Should I just punch him once?

"Hey! I told you I know everything about you, didn't I? Did you think I couldn't hear your thoughts?"

Ellie slightly bowed her head, Please, let me punch you once.


A vein began go throb on the god's previously laughing face.


With gritted teeth, he finally spoke, "Please don't ruin my mood. I haven't been this happy in centuries."

Isn't that too sad?



"...I told you I could hear them." His voice was practically a mumble.

Ellie nodded seriously, "But, it's a thought. I couldn't help it."

He sighed, "Fine. Whatever. Forget it. You made me laugh this much, so I'll let it slide." He gracefully waved his gloved hand as if to get rid of the thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2021 ⏰

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