Chapter 7 - Gold is food too?! The troubles of a dragon...

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Chapter 7 – Gold is food too?! The troubles of a dragon…

Most people would assume that ‘Ciel’ is just a title. One would go the Academia, train, become the best in their field, and automatically be nominated Ciel. However, it isn’t as simple as that. Having the skill isn’t enough; there needs to be affinity. And who would know who has it, who is the right one? Only the gods can know.

This is because ‘Ciel’ isn’t just a title; it’s a being. Once you’re a Ciel, your previous race doesn’t matter; you gain your own attributes in accordance with which god you’re a Ciel of, because that god chose to give you powers, and not just anyone is compatible or strong enough to handle those powers.

No mortal chooses a Ciel, but no god can roam this continent.

Then, how is a Ciel chosen?

It’s a very mysterious experience. There are a total of thirteen gods, each with their own Ciel, each with their own building, and their own special room – the first building’s Throne of light, the second buildings Hell of fire, the third buildings Hall of enlightened, the fourth buildings Guts dojo, the fifth buildings – Well, the list goes on. The point is that each room contains a certain item, which is said to have been touched by the chosen god. It is something that shouldn’t exist in the realm of mortals, but does – in the form of sometimes very ordinary looking objects. For example, the war Ciel’s sword once stayed in the Guts dojo, the War god’s room.

Nobody knows how, but somehow the next Ciel is attracted to the object like a moth to fire. This isn’t easy considering no one knows the location of the room except those who are destined – or more like chosen – to find it. It is said that no one is the same after. The whole aura of the person changes and it’s as if they aren’t even people anymore. They are above; they are different – they are Ciel.

And I was just about to experience this life-changing event for myself.

Even though I would like to go on and tell you all about how I met a bright and godly creature who said I was destined to greatness, and bestowed upon me a great gift of power and responsibility…I honestly didn’t care who he was at the time.

“Where’s the money?”

He looked taken aback at my flat answer.

“What money?”

“This thing’s money-”

Shaking the creature even harder than before with a concentrated expression full of my pent up frustration, I absently replied.

Come on…fall…

Its eyes were now spinning in ways no eyes should as the creature started to reach its limit. But, no matter how hard I shook, no money fell out.

“It’s supposed to be a grubby little thing who even stole so much as a hundred gold…” I mumbled more to myself as my brows furrowed.

“Ah…because it’s a dragon.”

His careless words struck me, shocking me out of my concentration.


“You mean…the legendary creatures said to roam the kingdom in the time of the many Ciels, hoarding a large amount of gold and other precious materials, a whole fortune that could rival that of a church…?”

My head reeled with thoughts of happiness and I saw nothing in front of me. The whole world had suddenly become bright and shiny, just as I imagined the treasure to be.

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