Chapter 21 - Some Origins are Stupid

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Chapter 21 – Some origins are stupid

The leaves rustled amongst the trees as the dark figures ran, shadows highlighted by the moon. The big sack one of them carried occasionally bumped against the ground in their hasty carelessness. After enough bumps, the figure inside the bag, even though fighting against intense mental pain, was able to vaguely gain consciousness in a dreamy state. The hushed words uttered by her captors drifted in her mind...This was me, by the way.

"Shit! Why did you take her?!"

"Well, she wasn't supposed to have screamed for bloody murder!"

"One of you must have messed up the spell then! She was supposed to sleep deeply like a baby in the womb, not scream like a baby in birth!"

"What kind of baby even shows that kind of agony?!"

"...I wonder what this girl must have seen."

The angry whisper-shouting suddenly stopped as one of them asked in a very serious tone. I could only assume they had started to think deeply and creatively.

Well, even if you ask me, I don't know. I don't even know who my parents are to ask them: "Hey, what did you do to me while I was in your pregnant tummy that would cause sketchy criminals to think I've been through worse than them?"

My first memory was even at the age of seven years old...And it was not a pleasant memory.

Sure, the scenery was really nice – a little opening in a sunny forest, full of bright flowers and birds singing melodiously. The sun was really very bright that day, being the first feeling I remember ever having. It was so warm, like a sweet caress with the wind. However, as I woke up, lying in the soft grass, my first vision was not so pleasant.

"Why, hello there! I was worried for a second, little girl! What were you doing sleeping all the way out here? Did you lose your parents?"

I had started to slowly open my eyes, but as soon as I could see, a huge face took up my whole vision. My drowsy eyes were snapped wide and awake in shock. As the man with the creepy wide smile and the creepy wide eyes talked, his face grew nearer and nearer. I could see all his pores.


I could only stay silent. Sure, I somehow understood everything he said, but I had no memory of anyone ever talking before, and I wasn't sure I knew how to talk myself. Also, I don't think I would have answered if I knew how to anyway.


Thankfully, my silence seemed to make the man curious as he backed away, holding his chin thoughtfully as his brow creased in thought.

"Ah! I know! You must be hungry! I'll be right back."

And, with that sudden realization, the bespectacled man with the long pony-tail skipped way, humming happily to himself like an idiot. When he came back with some berries, that I just stared at, he proceeded to stuff them forcefully into my mouth with a grin, while I proceeded to throw up for the first time in my memory.

That was my first meeting the principal of the Ciel Academy, the man who, unfortunately, raised me. He went from happily grinning, to panicking crazily once he saw the berries pouring out like drool from my mouth. But, no matter what expression graced his face, he always looked like a bumbling idiot.

...I would never have voluntarily join that weird, outdated academy.

Anyway, going back to the story, my captors had started to whisper-yell again.

"What should we do with her now, boss?!"

"We only need the necklace..."

"And we don't want her to create trouble...."

They had stopped running to think, but I couldn't even feel that the bumping to my head had stopped. It was quiet until the boss spoke up, such an evil smile clear in his words.

"Why, the answer is simple...Isn't that place close by?"

They all gasped in unison.

"That that place?!"

"No way..."

"But...that is actually a good idea! No one comes back from that place...We would have nothing to worry about."

I could vaguely hear shifting noises as they all nodded in agreement, prompting the boss.

"It's decided then! We will leave her at that place."

So the running began again as they gained confidence in their direction, and my consciousness drifted off again as my head was hit multiple times against the ground. Thoughts of revenge were weaker than normal until it was all darkness...and pain.

"Shit! She started screaming again!"

An agonizing howl filled the night once more as the shadowy group picked up their pace, as if scared. Meanwhile, a certain adventuring group seemed to have heard it, their heads snapping up from their hushed conversation, faces worried.

One particularly handsome, yet dog-like warrior, had lost all his silliness as his face hardened with a mixture of worry and determination.


[AN: Yay! I finaly upated. :P It was really hard to type this chapter since my nails have grown quite long, but I somehow managed anyway! Hahaha XD Anyway, hope you all enjoy. ^_^ I plan on reading this later to make sure I actually like it, in case I want to rewrite (kinda hard to maintain quality when I haven't written in a while) so any feedback would be really nice. :) ]

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