Chapter 15 - Beyond and into a new world

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Chapter 15 – Beyond and into a new world

“Um...why am I carrying your suitcase now?”

“Whaaa ~ Isn’t this such a magical day? Starting an adventure and…”

Ignoring Magnus, I closed my eyes, basking in the sunlight, and continued refreshingly, “The sun really does feel especially nice today.”

“Ok, so it’s officially ‘ignore Magnus day,’” Magnus sighed as he resigned himself to his fate.

“I-It really is such a nice day today, right? Hahaha…”

Felly laughed awkwardly as her smile twitched, and Angie soon joined her after a “Right ~?”

We were currently on a small dirt road amidst a wide grassy plain that occasionally had a few flowers and bushes. And…

Angie glanced back and gulped, “It really is too hard to ignore that…”

However, Felly didn’t even let herself turn back as she forcefully looked ahead, trembling quite a bit, “T-That? W-wha-what ‘that’? There is no ‘that’…haha…ha…”

Her forced laugh was quite pitiful, and tears could already be seen forming in her eyes. One would think it was quite a horrifying sight, but ‘disturbing’ was more like it.

A full grown man (actually a teenager with killer abs) was using anything he could to ‘hide’ himself from us as he followed from some distance behind. With puppy eyes he would look our way when he thought we couldn’t see, and then suddenly he would go back to ‘hiding,’ while staying quite in sight and looking even more like a sulking, guilty boy, a finger in his mouth as he crouched and looked quite…longingly our- well, my way.

“Pfthahaha! Oh my gawd! Look at him now! A flower! A flower! He is using a flower!”

Angie couldn’t take it anymore and burst into a crazy fit of laughter, even stopping to kneel down on the ground as she repeatedly beat her first down, tears forming in her eyes and her other hand holding her stomach.

“Eh? A flower?”

Even Felly turned now, curiosity getting the best of her. Frozen in place for a few seconds in shock, her body suddenly started to tremble uncontrollably as she put a hand over her mouth to suppress the upcoming laughter. But, even she couldn’t hold it in anymore, and so the two girls were sprawled against the ground, laughing to death.


I looked at the disgraceful sight and no words could even describe how I felt. There he was, Ezekiel in all this glory, holding a tiny little pink flower over his head…to hide himself. Even though we were obviously looking his way, he didn’t even bother to hide his gaze as he thought he was quite well ‘hidden’ from sight.

Magnus was also laughing quite uncontrollably, but still managed to pause enough to say at my side, “How did this guy manage to be the first of his class again? Hahaha! This will so not be a boring journey!”

“Hmph! We all know this is all Ellie’s fault. Why else would such a perfect man turn into…into…well, that.”

Looking at Ezekiel once more, who in turn was looking at me with big, shiny expectant eyes, I had had enough. Leaning down, I picked up a small pebble and slowly but surely, just like the feeling welling up inside m, it started to grow darker and darker in color. Then, silently, I locked onto my target, swung back my arm…and launched the stone. Landing squarely on Ezekiel’s forehead, with both the strength of my throw and the dark aura surrounding it, the pebble was able to throw Ezekiel several meters back.

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