Chapter 9 - Destroy your first piece of land, even if it belongs to your god

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Chapter 9 – Second step in becoming a Demon Lord – Destroy your first piece of land, even if it belongs to your god


As I reached the location I had left my friends at, I was left speechless.

“Hey, Ellie! Where are you going?! Ellieeee!”

Even though Felly had previously looked like a half-dead zombie, trembling in a crouched position while leaning on a wall, her eyes closed forcefully as she cried herself into despair, as if suddenly given the strength to reach up from hell itself, she jumped forward and latched herself upon my leg.


As I looked down, I saw her tear and snot filled face starting up at me with her watery eyes begging. I could only sigh tiredly and say, “Fine, let’s get out of here together. But…are you the only one awake?”

Looking around, I saw what used to be the vestiges of a building. Everything was turned to rubble now, and there were three bodies lying lifelessly around the mess…Ezekiel with his wound still gushing out some blood from the hard muscles of his abdomen…his mouth wide open and drooling as he lay with a stupid expression. Should I just leave him?

Having my mood turned a bit sour, I looked around some more and saw Felyn in the same position she had fainted in and Angie…passed out with a body full of scratch marks.  I’m really afraid of knowing whether that was due to the “ghost” or…I looked back down at the girl who now showed a blessed and thankful tear-streaked expression and shivered. Let’s not think about it…haha…

“Okay! You take the stray dog.”

Quickly shaking Felly off, I took Angie by the arm and started dragging her out of the building, ignoring Felly shocked “Eh?!” and not minding that I was probably creating even more scratches on Angie’s skin…It’s not like she will know I did them, right? Haha…

However, I still paused and looked back. Should I do something about that…? The mini tornado that was destroying the building in its humanoid shape was still wreaking havoc across the large 13th building and turning even more sturdy walls into rubble. It looks like that spell was a little stronger than I expected…? Haha…Well, at least it did its job, seeing as the fake ghost is gone! I’ll just go…

“…You, you’re surprisingly strong, aren’t you?”


Felly looked a bit taken aback as she finished throwing Ezekiel over her back, but then just gave me a shy smile.

At least look tired! So scary…and she was the only one left conscious amidst that deadly spell too! Geh…Remind me not to anger her…


The next day, all the boys in school were complaining of how they lost all their money and couldn’t even afford the lunch they normally gobbled down before practice. Instead, they could only practice extra hard on the field bellow with tear streaked faces to try and forget their sorry predicament. Looking out the window, I cursed internally. And all that money could have belonged to me too! Damn that stupid dragon…If only…ah! I could always teach it to steal without eating…?

“Um…Ellie…you look scary again…what’s wrong?”

I quickly turned around to face Angie, “Something wrong? No such thing! Can’t you see the sun burning extra bright today?”

“Now your smile is too blinding…”

“As expected of Ellie! A change in expression too fast to keep up! Ha-ha!”

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