Chapter 26 - Some people smile when they see someone, while others...

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Chapter 26 – Some people smile when they see someone, while others...

It was a truly a good day. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and the nature surrounding us seemed to perfectly harmonize and calm the soul.

"What a nice day..." I said in a singsong voice of pure bliss, thinking of our nearing destination.

"'What a nice day' my as*!" Felyn exploded, though with slightly less effort than usual. Her heavy chest was huffing and puffing and her face was as red as her hair.

"That's right! Can a person that is literally crawling on the ground say that?" Magnus seemed to have lost all fear and dared to speak, but I still gave him a smile. I don't know why, but he was suddenly in Ezekiel's arms princess style while tears streamed down his face.

"A-a-a g-ghost!"

I don't know what Felly had seen, but she seemed terrified as well. Though tears bubbled in her big eyes, she spoke, "T-That's right! It's not good for your nails, Ellie...they are already full of dirt. You have to take care of them...I could not..."

She suddenly looked away, as if she couldn't bear to see me.

Eh? What's going on? I knew I had walked for so many days straight that I could no longer keep my body up and had resorted to crawling, but what was the big deal? Whatever...

I continued to crawl forward, "I'm not stopping now...Hah...Haha..."

"You should stop though." Magnus spoke with a straight face and a deadpan voice, but no one cared what he thought anyway. He was still in Ezekiel's arms.

Angie was not afraid, but clearly in pain as Felly's nails dug deeper and deeper. She was currently clinging on tightly to Angie's arm with shuteyes. Angie's own eyes were spinning from pain, so she probably couldn't see anything.

"Eh...w-what's wrong...? Felly..."

Peeking up with watery eyes, Felly mumbled, "It's just that Ellie looks so scary yet so pretty that I think a ghost came to devour my soul."


Everyone could only look on with a helpless expression, while Magnus nodded his head, pretending like he had never acted like a damsel in distress and ran into Ezekiel's arms. Not that Ezekiel could have noticed. He was currently a statue with white eyes that moved on pure instinct. The weight he carried had simply grown for a few moments, as a passed out Edward already laid on his back.

Pfft! Weaklings. Have no stamina at all.

"You're the one that's crawling!"

Eh? Did I say that out loud? I must be more tired than I thought...But!

"How dare you talk to me like that..."

I put on a graceful smile as my hand reached up towards the petulant Magnus.


Screaming like a little girl, he jumped back. However, a weird yet familiar male expression suddenly took over his features.

"Hehe...Actually, I totally get you, Felly...Looking at that pale being that looks like a ghost from hell, yet oddly like a goddess from heaven...I don't mind being taken to my my death goddess..."

"Too bad she won't teach us her beauty treatments..." Felly mumbled like a dissatisfied child. Meanwhile...

"Wake up, Magnus! Don't fall for the witch's enchantment!" Felyn suddenly grabbed the drooling Magnus as if to protect him.

"...Aren't you the one trying to enchant me?!"

Finding his face swished neatly between a pair of boobs, Magnus couldn't help but exclaim.

Felyn simply blushed like an innocent virgin, cupping her face and looking away shyly, "Why, I have no idea what you mean..."

We must really be away from civilization for too long for Felyn to hit on Magnus...


"The ghost is laughing! Kyaaa!"

"Forget goddess, it's a ghost! A ghost!"

As the group ran away into the distance, my fading vision concentrated on an outstretched hand...Pale long fingers crawling out like spider webs, dirt clinging to the sharp, claw-like nails...That can't be mine, right? But...weren't those idiots complaining from exhaustion? Look at them run...

I should have had a nail fight with Felly...

And the world went black.


The world was still black, but voices started sounding from far away...

"How could we have left her there? Ellie..."

There was a crybaby voice.

"Isn't it her own fault for walking for days straight without stopping for rest even when we begged her to? My muscles are all sore now...If my legs get big and bulgy she better pay for a high class beauty potion..."

There was a haughty voice.

"I have studied magic my whole life, but I do not believe that exists!"

There was a stupid voice.


There was a dog.

"We must feed her! She hasn't eaten in days!"

There was a- Wait a minute!

"Eh? Isn't it common knowledge that Ellie doesn't eat?"

That's right! That's right!

"Eh, that can't be! My angel must simply be shy...She doesn't know how beautiful she is, so she must think it polite not to eat in front of others...Even though she must look lovely doing it..."

"I think she knows though..."

Somehow, I was also momentarily able to hear a collective of thoughts.

"But no one has seen her eat...I don't think we should..."

There was a kind soul's voice.

"Nonsense! I have prepared this porridge myself for my angel. She will surely enjoy it. How could you all even think there is a being in this world that doesn't eat? Do you all think she just soaks in water and sun like a beautiful rose? She only resembles it's beauty! Foolish creatures! Hahaha!"

As the evil laughter that somehow sparkled in my black vision sounded in my ears, I suddenly began to feel again. And my first feeling was an intense pressure on my jaw, as if trying to yank it open...It can't be!

Suddenly a hot feeling began in my throat, which in turn awakened my whole body. The world was full color again.


The most prominent color in my vision was the milky white of the porridge that flowed out of my mouth and into a corner.

"She was so exhausted, yet she suddenly jumped up and went to puke in a corner...She must really hate food, huh?" Magnus spoke with a helpless look, glancing at Edward as if to say, "See what you did?" However, Edward was so mortified he had become a statue and did not notice at all. How does a statue sparkle...?

"Heh, at least now I know I'm not the only one that can make you puke like that." Felyn looked disgusted yet amused, her glossy red lips pulled up over her teeth as she watched me wretch in pain, arms crossed.

I suddenly stopped and snapped my head towards her, yellow eye glinting, "You made it, didn't you?"

"I didn't!"


"Stop puking when you see me, damn it!"

[AN: So instead of falling asleep and getting enough rest last night, the scenes for the next chapter kept filling my mind and so here it is...Hope you all enjoy. XD Brought some more troublemaker fun this chapter and maybe some plot hints for those who can see it. ;) ]

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