Chapter One

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Y/N read a book in her usual place where she gets coffee, her H/C hair shined through the sun a bit from the nearby window. She looked over to her left to see a man with a hood covering his face, he was holding a list of something making her tilt her head. He looked a bit gloomy which made her feel a bit curious, she looked away when he slightly looked at her back. He sighed and continued to stare at a list-making her feel worse for him. She then took a peek again seeing that the man was now putting his head on the table with his arms wrapped around. He wore a black hoodie with some jeans and combat boots which made her more curious by the second.

She finished up her coffee and closed her book to put it in her small bag, she then went to the counter. "May I get a plain coffee with a Buttery Croissant, please! I want to order for that man with the black hoodie, please." the person behind the counter smiled and nodded as a smile spread across her face.

Moments after she then saw that the order was done, she then paid for it as the cashier behind the counter knew what she was trying to do. They handed her a marker while Y/N giggled a bit, she then wrote a bit on it and put the coffee down. "Okay once I leave make sure to call for him too! thank you so much" she smiled and took her own coffee, she walked out of the cafe but waited a bit until they called for the man.

"a girl ordered this and paid for it, she left a little note by the way too." the cashier said while the man in the hood still had his face covered somehow, he took the coffee and snack to his table while Y/N watched him.

"Here you go, you seemed a bit gloomy so I maybe thought this would cheer you up. I was the girl right across you by the way too! have a wonderful day sir." he read the small note as his face shadowed with his hood making it hard for her to see if he smiled. She then got a notification from her friends that a party was going to be going on. The man looked at Y/N as she smiled and waved goodbye, she wondered why he kept hiding his face but she didn't think of it too much. She then made her way towards her house to get ready for the small party.


Y/N felt the music thump against the carpet floor, her eyes squinted due to all the flashing lights making her stumble a bit looking for her boyfriend. She saw a familiar man and she stared at him trying to figure out where she saw him before. She stared at him for a while until she saw her group of friends making her light up with joy, She heard them giggling about something but thought nothing of it and waved to them. The group of friends she had was extremely toxic to her yet she didn't even notice. She was too kind to actually break it off and she didn't want it to be like high school anyways

She then looked away feeling a slim hand on her shoulder, it was her friend Marlie.

Marlie and she have been friends since middle school and the two always made sure to catch up from time to time ever since they got into college. Marlie smiled at her and lead her to the kitchen where there were fewer people. Her blonde hair was a bit messy from partying but she still looked pretty as ever.

"I have been looking for you! I'm glad you were able to make it, wheres Jack? did he leave you alone again!?" she put her hand on her waist out of frustration making Y/N giggle a bit.

"Yeah I mean it's okay he is probably hanging out with his other friends, I only came here for you and him but it's been a bit stressful since it's really crowded.." she softly smiled at Marlie making her shrug.

"You've always been very quiet and all the rest are dying to see you it's been so long!" she danced a bit with her cup in her hand, Y/N sighed a bit wanting to go home and just sleep. She was exhausted and she had a strange uneasy feeling in her stomach too, she didn't like it at all and it was stopping her from actually having fun.

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