Chapter Eleven

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Ghostface pick locked the hotel door making a sigh, he quickly closes it and looks around. He then sees a couple of photos of you on one of the desks making him growl. He then takes the photos and stuffs them into his pockets. He heard a car pulling into the driveway making him find a way to hide. He then hid behind a wall near the bathroom, he needed to get rid of Ned quickly before he even dares to try to take you away from him.

Ned opens the door with his keys, he shut the door with his leg and sat some of his stuff down. Ned was talking on the phone with some person but he couldn't hear him well so he put the speaker up giving Danny the perfect opportunity to listen.

"Yeah dude I'm here to pick her up, It was a long drive but now I'm finally here. I heard of what happened and I'm honestly really worried for her too."Ned held the phone onto his ear as he spoke.

"You sound like your deeply in love with her or something bro- you gonna sleep with her soon? haha," the other man behind the phone spoke with a sly voice making Danny grip on his knife tightly hearing that.

"I mean hell yeah but I don't know I'm thinking of taking her somewhere else out of town for now," he mumbled, Ghostface slightly growled and made the floorboard creak catching Ned's attention. 

Danny cursed at himself under his breath, he saw Ned look right toward him where he made a slight noise. He held onto his knife and felt Ned's breathing quicken...

"Hey man I'll talk to you later.." he instantly hung up on the other person and he grabbed a bat from the corner.

He came closer and closer, Ned gripped his bat and quickly swung it only to see that there was no one there. Ned sighed in relief but turned around to be greeted by a tall man with a mask, Ned attempted to swing the baseball bat right at Danny but he caught it. He grabbed Ned's hand and twisted it as far as he can making it break. Ned was about to scream until Danny pushed him to the ground. He then grabs his knife and cuts his throat making him choke on his own blood, Ghostface tilted his head and insanely smiled. He then whispers in Ned's ears making his eyes widen.

"Y/N is mine and always will be, you stand no chance..." he spoke in a raspy voice making Ned whimper in fear. He then repeatedly stabs Ned in his chest multiple times, he then began laughing seeing Ned's lifeless body on the ground. 

He then grabbed his phone and used his finger since it needed Ned's fingerprint, he saw his home screen seeing it was him and you on it. He growled and quickly went to his contacts to look for your number.

He then looked through the messages seeing how he texts to mimic him, he then begins to text you pretending he was Ned.

"Hello! I'm sorry I can't make it I'm dealing with family problems right now, I hope your doing alright! stay safe." he then puts an emoji and sends it directly to you. He then crushes the phone in his and realizes the mess he has to pick up. 


Meanwhile, you were busy trying to cook for Danny since maybe it'll be a little thank you for all the things he has done for you throughout the time you two known each other. You were making Lemon, Asparagus, & Chicken Pasta. You smile to yourself and finish cooking it, you look at your phone to see a text message that was from an hour ago. You saw that it was Ned and you slightly smiled seeing that he canceled his plans to see you. You got a plate and smiled to yourself hoping he would appreciate it.

"BOO!" Danny popped up behind you making you scream as you dropped the plate, he burst out laughing from her fragile state.

"That wasn't nice! you scared me..." you gently shoved him making him chuckle, he then looks at the floor to see the broken plate. You sighed and quickly cleaned it up with a broom and threw away the shards of the plate.

Obsession...(Ghostface x Reader)18+Where stories live. Discover now