Chapter Three

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"So your saying.. the murder was there right and was trying to kill you?" Allison and Toby stared at her in confusion.

"Yes, I even have the text messages!! I was trying to watch a movie and he literally tried attacking me I swear!!" she sobbed as Allison rubbed her back attempting to comfort her, 

"Maybe it was some guy trying to pull some sick joke on you Y/N," Toby shrugged and played with his football in his hand.

"No I swear he had a knife and everything! he gave me a picture of.. Marlie's corpse and he had this mask... with like a black coat and boots too!" she explained with her hands stills shaking,

"Huh, seems like the guy has actual style too- just kidding. But the police already searched your house and found nothing Y/N I'm not sure what else to say. We're still trying to recover from Marlie's death. Y/N you have a lot on your mind too and the deaths of 3 people in one night and they were people you knew its maybe too much..." Allison suggest, she was clearly saying that she was too paranoid and maybe needs to seek therapy afterward from seeing Marlie's dead body too.

"No.. No you guys please I swear I was almost killed..." Y/N whimpered as Toby rolled his eyes, Allison and Toby talked to the kitchen to talk alone without her knowing.

"Babe she is literally kinda bonkers, why are we even friends with her in the first place too? in high school she was always such a weird shy chick and I'm literally kind of sick of her too. Marlie always took her around like a small puppy and now that she is dead she's going to be bugging us!" Toby whispered quietly making Allison shake her head, unaware that somebody was listening in, Allison sighed and looked around feeling a bit paranoid too just a bit due to Y/N.

"Ugh I know she's kind of freaking me out as well Toby but we can't like to dump her- yeah she is a freak she always has been but now that this is all happening it's a bit stressful for me too."

Toby nodded and the two went back to where Y/N was, poor Y/N was still covering her face from fear not knowing what was going on at all.

"Jack also was with Becka again..." she mumbled as Allison sighed feeling pity for her, she then went back to sitting down with her and rubbed her back.

"Well what were you expecting, he was always the player type you aren't special to him or mean anything to him whatsoever. I've been friends with him since freshmen year and he literally cheats on everybody calm your ass down geez.." Toby mumbled as Allison glared at Toby's response to Y/N.

"....Oh... You know what this is pointless, I'm going home," she whispered and got up, she then walked out of the small house and went home. 

She was feeling hopeless not knowing what was even going on in the first place, felt like somebody was constantly watching her and overall scared. She didn't understand what was going on, her heart was pure gold and kindness so everyone treated her like shit yet she didn't even notice. She lost multiple friends and now she feels like she's going to lose the rest.

She then finally arrived at her house and quickly opened it, she then started to lock all of her doors and sighed. She felt her chest get heavier by the second, she then went to the bathroom to take a long relaxing shower to relieve her stress.

She then turned on the shower and began to undress, she then entered the shower and closed the curtain. She felt the warm body hit her smooth body as she hummed, she made sure to wash her soft (hair length) hair and her body.

Some moments after she finally finished and wrapped a towel around her body, she walked out of the bathroom and into her room. Her breasts slightly squished against the towel while she slightly got the carpet wet from the water.

She was getting some clothes out of the closet until she heard her phone ring. She sighed and grabbed her phone from the nightstand. She opened the notification...

???: what a lovely body you have Y/N, Your humming sounds so mystical as well too.

Her eyes widen as she read the text she dropped her phone and quickly closed the curtains attempting to hide. 

Ghostface smirked under the mask seeing his little mouse get scared, it was a pleasure to him to be able to scare the living hell out of you and all that she can do was just be in fear. Ghostface was beginning to get obsessed with the young girl and even he didn't even notice. He was killing off all the bad people in her life. She was clueless as ever and that's how he wanted it to be.

Ghostface noticed how the girl's life was also shitty, her parents were nowhere to be seen and now she's left with being attached to people who treat her like shit. He wanted to show her a lesson of how pathetic she was and even a serial killer felt pity for her.

He was doing her a favor of getting rid of the people who were slowly tearing her apart and he knew after all because he has stalked her since senior year. He was only helping her and yet she chose to be more afraid of him but he knew what he had to do. He knew he needed to also kill her as much as he wanted the fun to last.

He watched from another view of a window seeing her making sure the doors were locked, he knew he could always get in but for now maybe he should go take care of those two.

They talked shit about her and honestly it pissed him off because it was actually not even her fault too. He then took out his phone and texted Y/N again while grinning.

???: "See you soon, Don't have any fun without me." 

He watched as Y/N looked at the message he sent, she looked around cluelessly and it made him chuckle seeing how she looked like a lost puppy. He slightly fixed his mask and went on to find those two who also backstabbed her when she didn't even know.

Y/N sighed and climbed into bed too tired to even worry anymore, she rested her eyes and soon fell into a deep sleep.

Obsession...(Ghostface x Reader)18+Where stories live. Discover now